Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 11 December 2016

To all those who receive the blog, it will be in recess until the end of January. Many blessings upon you all at this time

Call to Worship - (Joanne Carlson Brown, Abingdon 2016)

​A challenge and a reflection all rolled into one. Anyone who looks, can see the terrible state of the world and how that affects the people in it, especially those with the least resources. But, if we look more closely, we can see "God alive and active in the world."

Join with those who are following God's holy way. We give thanks for God's encouraging presence.

​Advent Candle-lighting

"​​Prepare the way of the Lord. "We hear the words and remember that by the side of the river, John the Baptist pointed the people towards Jesus with words of power and ​​assurance...​We believe in the Holy Spirit, who breathes warmth into our cold places, who touches with living fire the sad parts of our life and who remembers with grief, all the hurts we cannot name.”

Hymn TIS 156: “Morning has broken” Just as it did on that first morning, lifting our hearts and inspiring us to new possibilities. Thanks be to God.

Opening Prayer (paraphrase)

​God of transformation and love, we come to this time of worship yearning for a vision and the promise of a better world. Open us to your dream. Strengthen us by what we see in the actions of our sisters and brothers. Inspire us with a vision of walking your Holy Way. May we sing with Mary, witness with Jesus, and make your dream a reality. Amen.

A Prayer of Confession (paraphrase)

 God of the Holy Way, we see the world as it is, and despair of doing anything about it.

There will always be wars. There will always be injustice. There will always be pain and suffering. Yes, Jesus worked miracles, but that was him, and that was then.

Where is the hope now? Help us catch your vision, your dream for the world.

Take from us our weak resignation. Help us realize that with you all things are possible, and that with you guiding our way, not even fools, like us, can go astray. Amen.

 Declaration of Forgiveness

God says to those who are fearful of heart: Be strong, do not fear! God is with us no matter what. The time is coming when all will know joy and gladness, when sorrow and sighing will flee away. Thanks be to God!

The Peace

Peace be within you! And also with you!

Offering Prayer

Dreaming God, you have set before us a vision of what can and should be for your world and for your people. Use these gifts of money and resources to bring your vision to reality. We offer ourselves and our work, as embodiments of the promise, the vision and the pledge to bring your beloved community, here and now. Amen.

Hymn TIS 188: “Where wide sky rolls down and touches red sand” A declaration of the vision of God as he declares himself in creation. Brilliant!

Isaiah 35:1-10 An account of all creation breaking out in all God's glory. When I read any passage like this one, I think of the possibilities for people like us.

James 5:7-10 If we think about it, it is a bit odd being impatient with God. He really does know what he is doing.

Matthew 11:2-11 Was Jesus the One?  Look at what's happening! And then Jesus tells them how John, as great as he is, is only part of the picture.

For the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Preaching of the Word

John (our John, not the one in the reading) told of a time when he was "wowed" by all the wonders of an agricultural show. Jesus asked the crowds what they were expecting when they went out to hear John the Baptist.

John said that he had a suspicion the people that day were just as taken aback by what they saw along the Jordan River as he was when arriving at those large A&P Shows. He was expecting to see a show that would take an afternoon to survey; he found a mammoth maze of exhibits. The people that day went out to the river probably expecting to see a madman putting on a religious show. They got a man announcing the advent of God’s Messiah.
Many weren’t ready. Perhaps we’re still not ready. John was calling them to live redemptive lives. And then our John challenged us to think about what we would do when we left our safe church and went out to live the week in the world.

"​​​Are we, the church, speaking truth to the powers that exist in our day and time, or do we fear ridicule and chastisement of those who pay the bills? Do we turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to injustice so that we won’t upset the people who are the power brokers in our congregations?" John was in prison because he was incapable of seeing evil without rebuking it. "​​​Our shock is to motivate us to speak truth to injustice just as John, Jesus, and his would-be disciples did in their own day." For that we have to be disciples, nothing less.

​​Hymn TIS 161: “Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord” That takes courage. Courage to tell the world just how great God is.

Intercessory Prayers

​The coming of our God is at hand. Come, Jesus, come and save us. We pray for the world, for all places of conflict and strife. When you come, the broken, bleeding lands are healed, places of death blossom with new life. Come, Jesus, come and save us. John continued to pray for the victims of this broken world, asking God to come among us. Then we joined in the Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 687: “God gives us a future” In the service to this point we have been given a mighty challenge. Here is more of the same but with encouragement to send us along. Do we dare?

Benediction.​​​The Holy Way of God lies before us— a way even fools cannot stray from. Let us walk God’s Way, with the strength and the promise of God in our hearts, with the song of Mary in our souls, and with the example of Jesus to guide our steps. Amen.

Hymn TIS 780: May light come into your eyes

Friday, 9 December 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 4 December 2016

Gathering God’s People. Prelude ​Music to prepare for worship

Call to Worship - (Karen Ellis, Abingdon 2016)

​​On the journey toward Christmas, God calls: change your hearts, transform your lives, and prepare the way of the Lord!

As we prepare to grow with God, we nurture love and understanding.

​As we prepare to grow with Christ, ​we bring forth justice and peace.

​As we prepare to grow in the Spirit, ​we live the promises of Christmas— promises of love, peace, hope, and joy

Advent Candle: Trust

The Spirit of God conceives new life and hope ​in our midst... ​​​God of peace, we light this second advent candle​​... may we who are also ​​searching, find strength, hope and vision in this tiny light. ​​Sometimes weak, sometimes small, often vulnerable ​​– we are ONE with the many who kneel in hope and trust for themselves, their children and this world...​​We bring our prayers, written, spoken or silent – ​​And place them within this circle. God of immeasurable love – you are near.

Hymn TIS 275: “Hail to the Lord’s anointed” Jesus' arrival signals a new order and nothing will be the same. "The tide of time shall never his covenant remove; his name shall stand forever, that name to us is love."

Opening Prayer

​Nurture us with the bread of justice. Strengthen us with wine of compassion and peace. Shower us with wellspring of hope and promise, live in us this day, that we may grow in stature and grace. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer of Confession

Holy Spirit, send your cleansing fire into our lives, that we may bear the fruit of righteousness.

When we create division where peace is most needed, lead us into the ways of life. When we cling to old patterns that destroy, straighten out the crooked roads of doubt and despair.

When we harden our hearts against love and kindness, soften our hearts so that love guides our paths. Grant us the peace that passes all understanding, and nourish us with hope and faith, that we might walk in your ways and bear the fruit of your love.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Christ is God’s branch of mercy and grace— the promise of new life out of death and despair. In Christ, we are freed to begin anew, and to grow in the love of God! Thanks be to God!

The Peace

Peace be within you! And also with you

Offering Prayer

Bless these gifts, O God, that they may become justice for the poor, deliverance to the needy, and hope to the oppressed. Bless our gifts, Holy One, that we may grow in your grace, and produce the fruit of your Spirit: Love, peace, hope, and joy.

Hymn TIS 270: “On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry” ​​​ With Jesus' baptism, his mission became public and the world started changing right then and there.

The Service of Holy Communion

The Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. ​And also with you.

​Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.

​Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. ​It is right to give our thanks and praise.

We were reminded that Jesus, as Creator, was there at the beginning of everything....he knows our every thought, our every unspoken word...everything about us and his love for us extends to areas of our lives we are not conscious of ourselves, therefore with choirs of angels and archangels and with those of every time and place, we give you praise and glory:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

We were then reminded of the institution of the meal to follow...We remember how he poured his love out to all he met and look forward to his return and the coming reign of peace, love, and justice. And so, remembering Christ’s life, love, death, and resurrection, we proclaim the mystery of faith:

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again!

And now, faithful God, send us your Spirit to feed us with the body and the blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ: Blessing and honour and glory and power are yours for ever and ever. Amen. 

Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Invitation to Communion

Come and eat, the banquet awaits.

Prayer after Communion

Eternal God, we thank you for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Send us into the world in peace for we have seen, have heard, and been fed by your grace.

The Service of the Word The readings were delivered by Mae.

Isaiah 11:1-10 He is coming who will set the world aright.

Matthew 3:1- 12 John the Baptist prepares the way of the Lord. If we think about it, John's Jesus was far more judgmental than the real Jesus who seemed more interested in lifting the burdens that weighed down people. God of mercy.

For the Word of the Lord. ​​​​Thanks be to God.

Preaching of the Word - Prepare Our Hearts – Matthew 3:1-12

These are the words from John's sermon that jumped out and grabbed me.

The reading from Matthew points past the time of the birth of Jesus which is our immediate focus, to the reason that Jesus entered history. People had well and truly lost their way and needed to be stunned out of their lack of understanding of God's plan for them.

John had no qualifications. He simply showed up out of nowhere with a passion for the message he preached. He told the people that it won't be easy; that self examination and confession is needed; we need to think about what separates us from God; we need to give serious thought to what we are without God; we need to think about how we can contribute to the mending of a broken world and how we can possibly do that without God; we need to open ourselves to be shocked out of our complacency and John tells us the old story that it's about the love of God that gathers us up to be a child of a God.

Hymn TIS 616: “O day of God, draw near” A Prayer that God will, in fact, draw near and do his work in our lives.

Intercessory Prayers

John led us in prayer for all those who suffer or who are burdened in this world, whether known to us or far away. He prayed particularly for the oppressed and exploited and victims of any sort of violence. He prayed that leaders accept their responsibilities and that those of us living in shame will realize that the love of God can lift us up. He asked that Jesus come to us. We then joined in the Lord's Prayer. Amen.

​Hymn TIS 264: “Hark! a herald voice is calling” Jesus is here today for anyone who turns to him and accepts the invitation that has always been there.


May God fill you with peace. May God fill you with joy. May God bless you with hope and love.

​​​And may the whole earth be restored to hope, the heavens sing aloud with the promise of good to come and God in three persons, the Holy Trinity be with you all in each moment of your lives.

Hymn TIS 779: “May the feet of God walk with you

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 27 NOvember 2016

Prelude Music to prepare for worship

Call to Worship - (Karen Ellis, Abingdon 2016)

"A light shines in the darkness. A prayer for peace is uttered in the silence. Gods people gather to wait with hope."  We were reminded that as we enter into this time of worship it is time to leave behind any animosity within, which is incompatible with our approaching the God of love, and to quieten our minds and focus on worshipping him.

Advent Candle: Hope

Come let us worship the God who invites us to enter this space we call Advent a space of mindfulness where the life of the spirit touches us at the point of deepest meaning and mystery...

Candle Lighting

This is a time of opportunity: opportunity to centre ourselves on one of the central events of our faith. The event where in the darkness of our world we are given the promise of being able to turn to the light. This is a time when we recall that God is always present and to wait upon that presence. To open ourselves to that presence, so that others will be aware of it within our lives.

Hymn TIS 265: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Opening Prayer

"God of hope, we come before you full of expectation for what lies ahead." John continued to pray, speaking of the excitement of the celebration to come and the need to prepare ourselves to be open to God's grace: grace that will meet that longing for peace and reconciliation - between ourselves; between us and God and throughout the whole world. If we do this without holding back, anything is possible.  Amen.

A Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, how many times have we wandered?...Loving God, help us turn our lives to you, that we may be ready when your Son is born, among us and within us. Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Jesus proclaims, Keep awake.Brothers and sisters, awaken to a new day— a day when our lives are filled with the forgiveness and the mercy of our loving God. Thanks be to God!

The Peace. Peace be within you!  And also with you

Offering Prayer

Holy One, take these gifts and turn them into merciful actions for your children everywhere. May these gifts be the spark that allows others to walk in your light, and to dwell in your love. Amen.

Hymn TIS 276: "There's a light upon the mountain”

The First Reading: ​​​Alan read to us from: Isaiah 2:1-5. Isaiah saw that the house of Jacob held the message that led to wholeness and justice in the world. For me, there are people who live the wisdom of God and to whom I look for example and inspiration.

Gospel Reading:​​​​ Matthew 24:36-44. This warns the people that they will get no warning of the judgement. For those who live close to God, this is not any sort of threat and not so important for us who have thrown ourselves upon God's mercy.

For the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Preaching of the Word A View from Above - Isaiah 2:1-5

John reminded us of all the extra pressure that people experience at Christmas time.

John told us of the increase in depression and suicide rates at Christmas time and a medical practitioner friend of mine told me that 3 o'clock Christmas Day sees the highest number of psychiatric hospital admissions of the whole year.

It's the most joyous time of the year, for Christians and many others but it doesn't require much imagination to see why it all turns bad for some. How can we guard the preciousness of Christmas while providing a special time for family and friends?

"This time of year we find ourselves trying to keep as much of the noise out as possible. The text from Isaiah calls to us once again and asks us to grapple with the purpose and meaning for being in worship on Advents first Sunday. Is it not the place to which we come each week to hear a word from above, a place to quiet the noise inside us to hear that still, small voice? I believe so...

When we accept the Advent's invitation to wait and wonder, to be awake and expectant, we find ourselves in good company. This week Jesus tells his disciples he will return at an unexpected time. He will arrive like a burglar breaking into a house. The disciples are left to wait and wonder."

Hymn TIS 526: “Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us

Intercessory Prayers

Dear Lord, our Heavenly Father, thank you for answered prayer and that you hear our cry for help and comfort. Help us to wait for you. Our world is troubled by war and terror and natural disasters. Grant us peace, please. We silently bring before you the prayers of our hearts: the things that we don't want to talk about. (Pause).Grant us peace dear Lord; show us your way. Help us to reach out to others and show them your love. Delma then prayed for the concerns of the congregation and following that, we joined in the Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 274: “The people that in darkness walked


​​​Brothers and sisters, our Advent journey has begun! Go from this place worshipping the one who brings forth light and love, joy and hope. Go in peace in the name of God creator, redeemer and giver of life. Amen.

Hymn TIS 778: “Shalom to you

Monday, 14 November 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 13 November 2016

Prelude Music to prepare for worship

Call to Worship - (Mary J. Scifres, Abingdon 2016)

​​Look and listen! God is always creating us anew, offering new perspectives for living as faithful disciples. Look and listen...as new possibilities are given to us, let us walk hand in hand with holy truth. Be glad and rejoice, for God is creating us ever new...We will sing and shout with hope and joy, for God is with us here.

Hymn TIS 687: “God gives us a future We become stuck in habits that are not at all helpful or productive. God throws open new possibilities for us to do his will, even when we have not followed that true path before. Grasp those opportunities and leave the old ways.

Opening prayer

Call upon us this day, Holy One of Israel. Be our Strength and Shield, that we may be your steadfast followers, even as you mould us to be courageous prophets of change and hope. Be our Guide and our Shepherd, that we may walk this challenging journey, open to your new creation, even as we remain true to your calling and your teaching in our lives. Amen

A Prayer of Confession

John prayed for forgiveness for all of us. These times are so precious. Left on our own, our confessions can be half- hearted and we neglect to ask God for the strengths we need to follow God's command. But in this communal prayer, we are led to address all the issues that we need to hold up to God. Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Look! God is creating a new heaven and a new earth. Past events arent remembered; they dont even come to mind. In Christ Jesus, were forgiven and made new.

Thanks be to God!

The Peace

As people of peace, let us share words of grace and gestures of love, as we pass the peace of Christ together.

Offering Prayer

We thank you, God, for being our strength and shield, our salvation and our hope. As we have drawn joy from the springs of your salvation, may these gifts become springs of hope to a world thirsty with need...Amen.

Hymn TIS 52: “Let us sing to the God of salvation”​​​ Praise God for every blessing. Yes!

The Readings: ​​​                    

Isaiah 65:17-25. God's promise that all things will be made new. Just not new but amazing in every way. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 We can't sit around waiting for something to happen. Get up and get on with God's work. Luke 21:5-19. A warning that everything will not go smoothly. In fact we can expect chaos and expect to be given a difficult time. But we are promised that the spirit will give us the words to defend

A Word with The Young People - (that applies to us all.)

In the gospel reading today, some people were admiring the walls of the temple, just like people today might come along and admire our church building. Today we have again built our model as we did at the 150th.  But we must remember the warning of Jesus. He told those admiring the temple that the day was coming when all the walls would be thrown down and not one stone would be left standing.  The temple was the place where people came to worship God and to learn how to live their lives as God wanted them to live - loving God and serving their neighbour. Because that was not always evident in peoples lives, Jesus was saying that, even although the temple - the building - may appear to be in fine condition, the peoples faith had fallen into disrepair, so, a new buildingwas necessary (more followed but this was the essence.)

Sermon It’s Your Choice - Luke 21:5-19

More than a few of lifes unsettling situations have both problem and opportunity wrapped up inside them. John told us about a time at the end of Jesus' ministry when he heard people admiring the temple. Jesus warned: All this beauty, every dressed stone you see, every ornate appointment in this place will one day soon be nothing but rubble! Jesus described what would happen but that was not his focus. John explained: 'Rather, he turns the conversation from what will happen in the future to how those who confess him as Lord must live their lives in the face of difficulties that could become opportunities." We don't like anything to be difficult, even opportunities.
John continued: 'To embrace our Jesusvalues, to love our enemies, to speak peace in the presence of war, to offer reconciliation in the midst of division always requires courage." He pointed out that: "The first choice we make is whether we will live the faith we confess."  John had much more to say but we are smart enough to apply the above words to our lives.....if we dare.

Hymn TIS 186: “Stars and planets flung in orbit These would be my words if I had thought of them. This universe is overflowing with the signs of God's marvelous creative gifts.

Music to lead us to prayer

Intercessory Prayers We prayed for ourselves and those around us and then joined in The Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 473: “Community of Christ. We are the church, Christ's hands in this world. Think of everything that Jesus would want to do to right this planet. To repair the environmental damage; to heal all the sick; to comfort those upon whom hostilities are thrust by others. Comfort all his people.


Behold, you are a new creation in Christ Jesus! We rejoice and are glad, for God is making everything new! Look! The world needs this hope! Go forth to proclaim Gods new creation, as we live in peace and grow in love in the name of our God, creator, redeemer and giver of life.

Hymn TIS 778: “Shalom to you This is the most precious gift you can offer to another person.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 6 November 2016

"A Cloud of Witnesses"


The congregation processed into the church; a cloud of witnesses; a line of saints who have served at Marsden Road Uniting Church and out in the world for so many years out of their love for  God and their love for their fellow people.

Hymn TIS 455 verses 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8: “For All the Saints May we continue as the saints of old who in God's strength and guided by his Spirit, laid the foundations of this church to which we belong and in which we serve.

Call to Worship - (B. J. Beu, Abingdon 2016)

Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song! Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; And from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.

Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. Do to others as you would have them do to you. Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song.

Take courage, all you people. Take courage, says the Holy One, for I am with you.

Do not be afraid, for Gods Spirit is with us. The Holy One watches over all who come in love.

Let our mouths speak the praise of God. Let us bless Gods holy name forever and ever.

Hymn TIS 454: “Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness We can approach God in confidence, knowing that he will lighten each burden and guide our way.

Opening prayer

Almighty God, your people of all the ages live and praise you without ceasing. In our communion with you, we have communion with generations past and generations yet unborn. Before your throne we are one with a great multitude which no one could number, and in praising you we join with people from every nation. Grant to your church on earth that as we celebrate the triumph of your saints in glory we may profit by their example and enter with them into the inexpressible joys you have prepared for those who love you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer of Confession

A time when we are given an opportunity to think about all our blessings and God's great generosity to us and then think about and acknowledge all the ways in which we fail to live out the freedom he has given us. Then we can lay that burden of failure on him and ask forgiveness.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Hear again, the word of truth: in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.

Thanks, be to God!

The Peace

 As forgiven and loved members of Christs body, let us share signs of peace with one another.

The peace of Christ be with you. The Peace of Christ be with you always.


Living, loving, gracious God, in you we find eternal life. Accept these gifts, that we may spread the good news of your comfort and grace throughout the world. Amen.

Hymn TIS 511: “Let us break bread together with the Lord "Lord, fill all our living with your life." The only way we can live authentically.

The Service of Holy Communion Today, for those unable to attend communion, I will be including as much of the Communion service as possible, which will mean that other sections such as the sermon will need to be left out

The Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

You, O God created us and have brought your people

through many trials: Abraham and Sarah, Miriam and Moses...Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa— all attest to your providence and mercy and show us ways to live.

S0 now with all our hearts we praise you, faithful God. In the beginning, you called light to shine in darkness... Yet we chose our own sinful ways... So, you spoke an eternal word in a human voice in Jesus of Nazareth... He called and people followed, leaving every other loyalty. He set us free to praise your holy name. But hatred and violence shouted Jesus down... Then you turned our sorrow into joy. On the third day, you raised him up to lead your people into life. So, we praise you, holy God, with angels and archangels and all your faithful people:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!

On the night before he died, Jesus gathered with his friends to share a meal and wash their feet, teaching one more lesson of love. He took bread and blessed it and broke it. He gave it to them and said: Take this and eat it. This is my body.Whenever you do this, eat it, in remembrance of me. Jesus took a cup of wine and blessed it and gave it to them. He said: Take this and drink it. This is my blood, sealing Gods promise to forgive your sins. Whenever you do this, drink it, in remembrance of me:

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again!

 And now, faithful God, send us your Spirit to feed us with the body and the blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Make us one body in Christ. Send us as your messengers in the world and fill us with energy, courage and love:

Blessing and glory and wisdom, thanksgiving and honour, power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.

Lamb of God

Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us.

Jesus, bearer of our sins, have mercy on us.

Jesus, redeemer of the world, grant us peace.

Invitation to Communion

The gifts of God for the people of God. Draw near with faith, to feed on Christ in your hearts with thanksgiving.

Prayer after Communion

Holy God, we came to this table scarred by regrets and broken dreams, anxious about many things, knowing that we are not immune to evil's lure. And you met us at this table; embracing us in our brokenness, naming us "beloved", claiming us for eternity. We thank you, living, loving God. Amen.

The Service of the Word

Ephesians 1:11-23 You who have heard and believed, you are his.

Luke 6:20-31 This is about ignoring the ups and downs of this world and other people and remembering whose we are. Thanks be to God.

Preaching of the Word

Today I am making a huge exception. For the first time since I began writing this blog, I am sacrificing the space given to the sermon to relate the blessings received from other parts of the service.

Hymn TIS 256: “From heaven you came, helpless babe This hymn paints a picture of an unexceptional person, who in obedience to God, provided us with a way back to wholeness. However this wholeness can only be as intended if it is spent in service.

Music to lead us to prayer

As Grahame played we prepared ourselves to hear God's voice and to let our imagination see God's intended will in action.

Intercessory Prayers

This is the time when we look outwards, focusing on the world around us, from our own church to our local suburb to our state and country, praying for our secular, business and political leadership.

Praying for all those in distress of any sort, anywhere in the world, especially those who have given up hope as the result of terrible physical or mental illness or because of irreparable damage to their homes brought about by hostilities often way outside their own influence.

God of truth, for all the saints. We give you thanks.

Then we prayed together The Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 456 "Your hand, O God, has guided An affirmation that God always has been and always will be with his people.


​​​In all things, give thanks to God, for you have been called to bear witness to the good news. And may the Creator of all, Holy Spirit, and Christ Jesus— one God, living in you and through you and around you, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and deed. Amen.

Blessing Song. Hymn TIS 779: “May the feet of God walk with you

May the feet of God walk with you and his hand hold you tight.

May the eye of God rest on you and his ear hear your cry.

May the smile of God be for you and his breathe give you life.

May the Child of God grow in you and his love bring you home.

Go to Memorial Garden

The congregation then forwarded out and gathered around the church garden while John conducted a service to scatter Tom Lowe's ashes onto the ground of what had been his spiritual home for so long. His Spirit will remain with us.