Sunday 9 June 2013

Sunday Service Marsden Rd Uniting Church June 9

Respect for Seniors Sunday

Helen welcomed us all and notices were given out, which included an invitation to stay back after church  on June 23 to join the  Friendship Circles at morning tea, after which the

Call to Worship took the form of a blessing, offering us the gift  that worship with God and with each other can bring.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
The love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with you all.
And also with you.

Poem "When I am Old" a poem by Jenny Joseph was read by Ruth.

A poem about the freedom of old age - a time when we have no longer have any need to prove anything to anybody or obey all the little rules in case someone won't like us or let us join.

"When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat that doesn't go...I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired...I shall go in my slippers in the rain...wear terrible shirts...and eat three pounds of sausages at a go...or only bread and pickles for a week...But maybe I ought to practise a little people...are not too shocked and surprised, When suddenly I am old and start to wear purple.

Helen spoke to us of the great blessing aging can be - extra years to grow spiritually and a time when we can look back at how God has been with us in the past, sometimes without our knowing. We can learn lessons from our past and mentor younger people as long as we listen to and respect each other.

Hymn TIS 467 "I am the church" I am; you are; we are; all who follow Jesus are: the church. The church is not a building. It's made from different people; different races; different ages. Sometimes it's a place of singing, sometimes praying, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying...but always it's made of people.

Kid's Time Out

Back to Helen: The bible tells us to be kind, to respect older people (Sirach 3:12-14a)

Helen said what we all know - that older people can look a bit scary and sometimes they do things we just have to put up with and then told her about her old aunts who did stuff she didn't like but how she knew that they loved her.

One thing we do know is that is that old people like to share stories, remember things that have happened.
then shared her reasons for coming to church each week. Delma told us that when she misses church, she misses something special. Delma told us that she has attended many different types of churches, some lively, some quiet and even one outdoors- but all are special places. They are places where Delma learns to love God more and learns to understand Him better- one thing she knows is that God loves her!

It was then Margaret's turn to explain why she believes God is real. She said that she was made aware of God through the beauty of the universe and through the way it all works together so smoothly. She then spoke about how she knew God was real because He has kept drawing her back each time she has strayed away and finally, she knew God was real because He is able to mend all that hurt we suffer in life.

We are only one person but if we "shine" out God's love, we make a difference.

Chorus "Jesus bids us shine" No practice needed here for the older members of the congregation. A simple but true message - we are here so the world will experience God through us.

Prayer Helen prayed for us, our fear that longer days on this earth are not the answer for the hunger of our souls - do we have any meaning to live for? Yet God surprises us, with the knowledge of those who love us, a word of how we can help others. As our abilities lessen, God keeps surprising us.

Hymn TIS 129 "Amazing Grace" ----how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me...(from anything that may come my way)

Back to Helen This was a time for the congregation to share. Do we ever feel invisible?

People gave examples of being passed by, but God sees us differently. God has a purpose for us - in God's service we do not retire - we may do different things in His service as we grow older but we never pass a "use by" date.

Helen then spoke of the Incarnation and the part played in that drama by older people.. First we were told of Zechariah and Elizabeth, parents of John the Baptist, the one who was to announce Jesus to the world. Then we heard about Simeon and Anna, two elderly but faithful people whose lives had been spent waiting on the coming of the Messiah.

"God certainly includes older people in his plans. God knows and hears the longing of our hearts. These are unspoken longing and prayers held in God's hand.

Prayer Helen prayed to our loving God, saying that she had been taught to dread getting older but now accepted her limitations, cherish her white hair and actually enjoy being older.

Poem.    "Lament to The Lord "  by Mavis Clark. Stephen read this poem, which expressed regret at all the changes that have taken place in worship in an attempt to make it more relevant to younger people. The speaker expressed resignation at having to put up with the changes but said she would keep to the expression of her faith with which she feels more comfortable.

Hymn TIS 569 "Guide me O my great Redeemer" A case of the sentiment expressed in the poem above, evidenced by the number of people who kept to "great Jehovah" for their expression of their faith. It is how we best worship a God that matters.

Scripture Reading  Luke 7: 11-17 Because of the length of the service, I will leave this to your own thoughts.

Reflection Helen returned to the theme of Jesus crossing boundaries which she had explored in the previous week. We were directed to focus on the story from Luke, where Jesus was approaching Nain and came upon a funeral procession. A widow was burying her son. This woman had been the daughter of her father, then the wife of her husband and finally the mother of her son. Now they were all dead and so, for all purposes, so was she. She had lost all sense of identity- she had lost all hope for the future. But what did that matter- she was just one widow. It did for her. It meant that any sort of dignified or meaningful life was over. And nobody cared. Except Jesus. He saw her plight and had compassion on her and, breaking every rule, touched her dead son, bringing him back to life. "And Jesus gave him to his mother". Jesus had given back life to both of them.

In just the same way, because Jesus has compassion on us, He can give us a new future.

Prayer Helen prayed to God, the Alpha and Omega, saying that we would like to think that we can ignore death. However the reality is there. Helen continued " I take comfort that Jesus himself faced death with anguish and pain in the Garden. I can never fully grasp that struggle, and yet it brings peace that Christ knew my human fear."..."Death one day will be swallowed up in victory. Hallelujah! Amen."

Hymn TIS 232
"O the deep, deep love of Jesus" - unmeasured, boundless,
free...underneath...all around...changes everlasting glory.

After the Freewill Offering, Helen led the prayer for others, that they should live peacefully in the present, knowing that their real treasure is in Heaven. Then after

Hymn TIS 594. " Fight the Good fight", Helen blessed us: "May God go before to lead you and follow after you and give you strength"

We left, blessing each other "May the feet of God walk with you."

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