Tuesday 23 September 2014

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 21 September 2014

Kaye and Andrew led our service today beginning with the

Prayers of Thanksgiving

A prayer was offered to the Holy Friend of all, approaching him with joy and thanksgiving: acknowledging the Glory that is his and offering our prayers of gratitude In songs from loving hearts. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Hymn TIS 168 "For the fruits of all creation" A song of thanksgiving, naming many of the gifts with which God blesses us. The ordinary gifts we receive each day and which we often take for granted or think we have earned. Thanks to God.

Kaye and Andrew then drew our attention to the day being The International Day of Peace and gave the people time to turn to those near them and offer them the hand of peace.

Prayer of Adoration

Instead of a spoken prayer we watched a series of visions of God's almighty creation; his greatness in evidence in each one. Accompanying this were the words of "A Wonderful World"

Prayers of Confession

Through Kaye and Terry we prayed to the Holy One, calling on him who is eternal and ever present and who knows no borders. We confessed that we fail to acknowledge him for all he is and confessed that it is fear that make us feel so small: that it is doubt that invades our thinking as we face the daily round. We asked that God would remind us of his presence and help us to see him and to act courageously in the name of Christ. That  through us and in his hands Christ will be made present in his: forgiveness, healing, encouragement, peace and forgiveness.


This is truth. God is in Christ. Not counting up our sins, but pardoning our offences. As far as the east is from the west, so far has God removed our transgressions from us. With Christ as my sure authority I declare to you:

Your sins are forgiven.


Father God, we receive from you more than we deserve or could ever earn. Bless these gifts and use them to further your work in the world that many more will come to know you.

Hymn TIS 390 "Allelulia" Give thanks and praise! For the new life we are offered in our forgiveness from sin.

Bible Reading

Chris read to us from Exodus 16: 2 - 15 and Matthew 20:1 - 16. Exodus tells us that after a couple of months in the desert, the Israelites had forgotten about the terrible life from which they had been liberated and started complaining and blaming Moses and Aaron for the conditions they were suffering. The result was that God provided. But his will concerning what was provided had to be followed. The Matthew reading concerned the labourers, some who worked all day and some who only worked one hour, receiving the same wage. Both stories are about God's ability to meet all needs and that it is not a matter of our deserving anything.


Kaye and Andrew recalled events from their youth that appeared unfair. Kaye then told of a recent event which she ranted and raved about because she thought she was being treated unfairly. That brought their discussion to the matter of "Justice". They pointed to the different meanings of the word: equality, as in receiving equal pay for equal work: merit, as in receiving the same units of pay per hour or per task: or pay depending on the knowledge and skill needed and therefore the time spent in training. When we think about justice this way, it is a matter of counting and calculating. Justice, God's style is quite different. Because of God's generosity the reward is the same regardless of when we enter the kingdom. Jesus' disciples pointed out that they had left everything to follow him and suggested that that should give them some superior claim on whatever it was he offered, but he said it wasn't like that and the first could be last, and the last, first. Further, there's only one prize - Gold - being in God's presence.
This is because God's love is unconditional and big enough embrace us all, just as we are. Kaye and Andrew went on to talk about something very important - our fundamental discomfort with generosity. We like to think we deserve what we get; that we earned it. This way of thinking doesn't work with God. We have to humble ourselves, admit our unworthiness and accept his generous acceptance of us. Prayers for the People

Kaye prayed for those people who are in the Defence Forces, charged with keeping peace - and also for the friends and family who love them. Then the prayer went on for all those people closest to us and covered all the most ordinary and mundane concerns. I (Joan is speaking now Margaret had to leave early)  thought the practicality and everyday-ness of this part of the prayer was really meaningful. We then prayed for people we don't know, strangers and enemies. We then joined in the Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 650 Servant Song: "May the Feet of God walk with You" What a gift to offer to another person!

The Benediction had a response: "O give thanks to our God who is good-whose love stands firm forever." We were told that "Thanksgiving transcends all our pain and suffering." Amen





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