Sunday 5 April 2015

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church Easter Sunday 5 April 2015

Call to worship This is the good news The grave is empty, Christ is risen. Hallelujah!

This is the good news Once we were no people, Now we are Gods people. Hallelujah!
Hymn TIS 370 Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia.' As Christ rose, so are we guaranteed liberation from the sin that deadens our soul. We may soar above the banal and downright evil to live lives of victory.

Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving and Confession
Jan began with an Easter prayer, declaring that "early in the morning" God made the world; Jesus was born; Jesus accepted the penalty for doing good; and Jesus rose from the dead. HALLOWED BE THY NAME. She continued the prayer, leading a celebration of all that has happened and asking that our Lord would bring new life, new love, forgiveness, the joy and freedom of the Holy Spirit instead of all those things that drag us into despair. She then, further declared that  'where regret is real, Jesus pronounces his pardon and grants us the right to begin again. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Hear Christ's words of grace to us. Our sins are forgiven.

Hymn TIS 342 When I survey the wondrous cross Humility strikes. Pierces our body. We are struck with our own feebleness and weakness and throw ourselves in God's mercy.

Bible Readings- Laurel read from Isaiah 25:6-9: The prediction of God's triumph and ​​​Mark 16:1-8: The reality of God's triumph.

Sermon- 'Living hope for life'
Jan announced that today we celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus our Lord. She reminded us that "the first Easter was an incredible day, one that started with disbelief, with fear and trembling and bewilderment beside an empty tomb, and ended with astonishment, excitement and thanksgiving." Even though the disciples had seen and heard many marvellous things during their time with Jesus, they didn't expect to see him again after his crucifixion.

No one expected a resurrection. They were huddled in an upper room - just as we would be. Hiding in fear - just as we would. But "Jesus... was able to break through death and transform it".

This restored the hopes of the disciples - this brought to life their uncertain convictions. The details about the sharing of the news concerning Jesus resurrection is uncertain as are any details of his appearance to his followers. But the news was shared - that is certain because we are here today celebrating the event - and the frightened disciples would never have had the courage to continue preaching without such a startling revelation as Jesus living.

As it was, they went from being people afraid of dying to being people who offered their lives to help others to come to the faith.

"God can bring good out of evil, love out of hate, and hope out of despair,"

"The Easter joy of resurrection life is real, when we embrace the life that God has called us to live and to know Jesus presence with us always".  Amen.

Offering We made our freewill offering to be used to spread God's message of new life.

Musical interlude

Grahame played while we prayed silently.

Prayers of Intercession- Laurel
Laurel prayed to God, drawing our attention to the purpose of today being the celebration of God's great love, shown through Jesus' death and resurrection. She asked that we should become partners with God, acting with love and compassion in this world. She reminded us of those shuffering terrible violence, war, hunger, natural disasters, injustice and inequality. She prayed for God to be with them and alleviate their distress, particularly refugees who have left everything they had in search of safety, asking that they be treated with care and respect.

At home we prayed for travellers in the present wet conditions and for Malcolm and Lyn as they travel far from us. Laurel prayed for our Marsden Road community and those who cannot do all that they would like to because of their physical condition. Laurel prayed for the particular concerns of the congregation, adding that we feel inadequate in the face of all the needs of which we are aware, so prayed for God's guidance and strength in our attempts to be his hands and voice. We concluded with The Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 511 'Let us break bread together with the Lord'   In all that we do and say may we be directed by God. Always.

Jan blessed us: The Peace of God be with you always. And our reply 'And also with you' prepared us for the communion to follow as did our offering of the peace to each other.

Jan led us into communion explaining that the table we shared with Jesus and all that love him is also shared with the poor and followed with an invitation for anyone seeking to further or renew their relationship with God to share. Then followed the story of the Last Supper, explaining that we were about to follow that example. The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving ended with a prayer of adoration after which Jan blessed the bread and wine, asking that by sharing in them, we would be renewed. Jan then held the bread and wine aloft, declaring them 'the gifts of God for the people of God."

The bread and wine were then distributed.

Hymn TIS 376 I know that my redeemer lives. Not only a declaration but a celebration.

Blessing -  The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen

Blessing -  TIS 781 Father bless us as we go  A plea for God to be with us at all times in the coming week.


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