Wednesday 2 November 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 30 October 2016

Gathering God’s People

Call to Worship - (Laura Jaquith Bartlett, Abingdon 2016)

To the church of Marsden Road Carlingford, which is in God, our Mother and Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ, grace and peace to all of you!

Greetings to you in the name of God. Greetings to you!

Greetings to you in the name of Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Greetings to one and all!

God gives us everything we need. Thanks be to God!

Our God makes us everything we are to be. Let us offer thanks to the Holy Three-in-One!

Hymn TIS 560: “All my hope on God is founded” At that is the only sure place.

Opening prayer

Dear God, it is so easy to get discouraged by the news in our community, across our country, and around the globe. Everywhere we look, we hear of violence, conflict, and injustice. Like the prophets of old, we want to cry out: “Hurry up and change the world, God!” And then we look at our own lives and realize you are calling us to hurry up and change the world. As we encounter Christ in our worship this hour, may our life be transformed; may we leave this place eager to share your blessings, your justice, and your love with a world yearning for a new way of living. Amen.

A Prayer of Confession

The bulletin tells us it’s time for the Prayer of Confession, but is that necessary here in this church? We are not Zacchaeus. We don’t cheat others. What do we have to confess?

God, we live in a world where our systems, corporations, and institutions oppress others. Forgive us when we keep silent.

We don’t perpetrate violence against others. We are a community of love. What do we have to confess? God, we live in a broken world that practices violence in response to conflict. Forgive us when we keep silent.

We are a community of good people who worship Christ and show love and mercy.

What do we have to confess? God, each and every week, we show ourselves to be imperfect human beings, — we miss opportunities to say thank you; we take others for granted; we omit the whole truth in conversations; we snap at family and loved ones; we participate in gossip; we neglect to express gratitude to you for your many blessings. Forgive us when we accept our shortcomings and fail to come to you for help.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Salvation came to Zacchaeus, a cheater and a thief. Today, salvation comes to us in the person of Jesus Christ, who forgives us and sets us free, that we may be transformed in holy love.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

The Peace

The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you.

Offering Prayer

God of amazing grace, you have given us everything, including our very lives. Though we cannot earn your love, you give it to us freely. And so we thank you and ask you to receive our gifts.

Hymn TIS 650: “Brother, Sister let me serve you” It takes more than a little humility to say these words but through grace , we can.

The Bible Readings

Habakkuk 1: 1-4; 2: 1-4 This is a lament. A protest to God about how things are and why he doesn't change them, I think many of us are feeling that way now when we see the news and read the newspapers. But God assures us that he will prevail and if we look about us the world is full of people whose actions show that happening among us now.

2 Thessalonians 1: 1-4. 11-12 I don't know if this link was intended but there is the Church fulfilling the wishes of those who sent up the lament in Habakkuk.

Luke 19: 1-10 We all know the story of Zacchaeus who was called down from his perch in a tree to take Jesus home for a meal and whose life was turned upside down in the process. That's what God promises us who lament that goodness seems to have left the world. His action through changed lives can change the world.

For the Word of the Lord.  Thanks be to God.

Preaching of the Word

John spoke about the democratic nature of death. This was one sermon that we couldn't brush off as applying to someone else but not to us. We all will die but we are promised that Jesus will shepherd us through that time and because he experienced death on the Cross and overcame it, we can be assured that we will be guided safely through it. So our journey to and through death can be one of hope. Jesus has experienced death and understands our fears but because he offers us new life and one that offers more than we can ever imagine, we can trust in his care.

"Gentle Shepherd, lead us from our pain to a sense of peace, and help us to trust you even when our eyes are filled with tears. Death submerges us in anguish and confusion. Yet in the midst of our dark valley you are there. Deliver us from our turmoil and help us to rely on your strength during our times of loss and in our fears of death. This we pray through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Amen.

Hymn TIS  209: “And can it be” It always amazes me that this freedom became mine.

Intercessory Prayers (selected lines)

Jesus, Saviour of the lost, hear the prayers we bring for the world and for the Church, that your people who are lost in worlds of poverty, greed or exploitation may see you and know your salvation. We pray for your worldwide church, for all who accept you as their Saviour; for all who seek to see and know you; for those whose longings the church has failed to satisfy; those whom the church has driven away from you. We pray that people who are lost in shame and condemnation may see you and know your salvation. Come into our hearts and homes this day, that your people who are lost in lives without meaning or hope may see you and know your salvation. After this we joined in the Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 495: “Father, we give you thanks, who planted...” An extraordinary act of generosity.


In the name of God, our Mother and Father, who gives us everything we need . . . In the name of Christ Jesus, our Master, whose love transforms us . . . In the name of the Holy Spirit, whose power strengthens our faith and increases our love . . . Let us go in peace. Let us go with God. Let us go to transform the world. Amen.

Blessing Song

Hymn TIS 780: May Light Come into your eyes, may hope spring up in your heart, may peace guide all of your mind and keep you in God. Amen.

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