anger, / and show
appreciation more / and love the people in our lives / like we've never loved before”
Hymn: TiS 474 "Gather us in" We all have our
flaws which prevent us from being complete but we are welcome here this morning
to ask God to 'draw' us close in this service to mend us and heal us. It's hard
to see ourselves but if we open ourselves to God's probing light we will know
what we wants us to do so that we will be the people we should be.
Opening Prayer Rowena addressed our generous God whose
will it is that we should be blessed with justice and peace and who is with us
in all our experiences, declaring that we
know that it is God's
will that all should have this blessing.
Prayer of Confession
and Assurance of Pardon Time
to entrust ourselves, 'warts and all' to God's saving grace. Rowena prayed to
God to forgive us when all the unimportant things distract us from our true
mission. Especially when people call out for compassion, and we aren't
listening. She finished by saying "Strengthen us with the Holy Spirit to
be fruitful and active witnesses to Jesus in all we do and say."
Our sins are
forgiven Thanks be to God.
Hymn: Tis 607 'Make
me a channel of your peace' We are God's hands and mouth. Our faith should tell
our family, friend and neighbours of the peace that he offers. Listen to what
James has to say in the readings.
Readings: Elaine read to us from: Mark 7: 1-8,
14-15, 21-23. Jesus' disciples are seen breaking the law but Jesus' makes it
clear that nothing in this earth is unclean and that impurity comes from
within. It's something to make us think. All the "shoulds" we impose
on ourselves and other people just take the joy out of the gifts God has given us. James 1: 17-27. The author is letting rip,
telling people just how it is. How can we possibly confess faith if it does not
translate unto works? Faith constrains us, forces us to act.
Sermon: “Hearers and Doers” Rowena's first
point was that Jesus taught that obedience to the law is really a matter of the
heart. James was a very practical theologian and his advice is designed to
"help people transfer head knowledge and heart knowledge into the 'how-to'
of everyday life." He sees grace as the foundation of faith but that more
has to be done...we have to act. We have to let our lives speak "Let your
values come alive in your local and global communities." Rowena told us
that we have to be hearers and 'doers'. Not that works replace faith but that
works are the evidence of faith. Rowena referred to John Wesley who said that
" of piety, like worship-which express responsive love for
God would deepen our live for others,
while works of mercy would deepen our love for God.”
James "focuses on
the practice of faith and a key theme throughout James is the contrast between
hearers and doers of the Word."
Rowena said "To be
called and led by God's Spirit beckons us to be doers of God's Word."
God's generosity to us shows us how to be generous to others. We act for God in
this world. What we do matters.
James gives practical
examples "be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger." (Ouch!).
How well do we listen or do we just sit, waiting for a break so that we can
speak? God is slow to anger, and abounding in love.
"Ultimately I
believe that James is really about living a life in response to the good and
perfect gift that has been given to us in God."
Hymn: TiS 572 "O Thou who camest from above" Kindle
the flame of your love and let it blaze in our hearts that the people of this
world will see it gleaming through us and draw them to you.
Commissioning and
Go out, and be doers of
the Word. Cleanse your hearts of all imperfection, be quick to listen and
learn. And as you move into the week ahead, welcome the Word that God implants
in you, and bring it to birth in acts of mercy and compassion.
And may God pour grace
upon you and bless you forever; May Christ Jesus reveal to you the Truth of
God's ways; and may the Holy Spirit fill your life with passion and love.
We go in peace to love
and serve the Lord, in the name of Christ. Amen
Retiring hymn “Now unto him who is able to keep
Able to keep you from falling.
And to present you
Before the presence
of his glory
With exceeding joy.
To the only wise God
our Saviour,
Be glory and
Dominion and power
Both now and