Sunday 9 September 2012

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church Sept. 9

Today was the second Sunday of the month and the time to sing of our faith through the hymns that had accompanied us on our spiritual journeys. Along with those we sang new ones, giving us a different perspective on God in our lives.

After Helen welcomed us all and notices were announced the Call to Worship was given:
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the Lord surrounds his people, From this time on and forever more.
The majesty of God's creation in which we dwell and which has provided us protection as those mountains did Jerusalem, can be overwhelming but it is but a token when compared with the capacity of God to enfold our entire being and keep it close.

Hymn 10. “All people that on earth do dwell" reminded us of the path of the simple Christian life and the Prayer which followed acknowledged God's acceptance of people from all walks of life and our belief in God's unfathomable presence with us for which we gave praise.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Just good manners really, to acknowledge and say "thank you" to the source of all goodness that flows over us. But so much more, it's something of a celebratory cry for all that we have been given and all that we have been promised.

Sunday Kids. a story of baby birds squarking their demands which was paralleled to the account of the woman who persisted until Jesus healed her daughter.

The Prayer reminded us that in our grasping attempts at resolving situations and how God's strength is sufficient as we step out in trust.

The Scripture Reading.  Mark 7: 24-37 was read by Norma and told again of the woman in the Sunday Kids segment who sought healing. It makes it clear that God's touch is for everyone, whether they appear to a church-going type or not, and that we should embrace their difference.

Hymn 500. “I heard the voice of Jesus say" offers a salve for the injuries to our spirit we suffer in this world and a promise of revival of our soul and light to travel by.

Reflection. Expect a miracle.
Helen reflected on the reading, giving the context of Jesus being in Gentile territory, in an attempt to avoid the crowds who were determined to crown him king, to avoid Herod's anger and probably to also just be with the disciples. Into this private scene barged the desperate mother, who was rebuffed as not being part of Jesus ministry but she persisted and her belief that Jesus was the one to answer her need was rewarded. Helen then related this to a family situation where she had written to a doctor whose name she didn't know at the general address of the AIS to get help for her son. Similarly she had no rights in terms of gaining help from the expertise of this particular doctor but her determination was rewarded and the help received.

The message for us? We are no more acceptable to God than people who might not have our respectful attitude to the church; or might speak of faith in different words; or behave in a way we are not used to or come to belief by a different path. God doesn't care about that stuff-nor should we.

Prayer of Confession.
Was a time to reach out for help, with the confidence that God's love is sufficient and his grace responds to our desperation.  We prayed also to be kept aware of the needs of others and to open our hearts and minds to the boundlessness of God's love, available to everyone, not just those that we may see as deserving. We prayed that we place no hindrance to this love flowing through us to all.

The Words of Assurance.
Was as much an appeal to be open to God's possibilities for us.
For the Spirit of God is with you, and will remain with you to the end.
We then gave thanks for our forgiveness.

Hymn 56.  "Amazing Grace" is an admission of the work of God's Grace on a heart most tangled up in the dark side of life and how far that Grace can take such a soul.

The Freewill Offering was taken up with the prayer that our giving be free and unconditional in Jesus name. It only seems reasonable doesn't it? He gave his all.

Prayers for Others. was introduced with the declaration that the good news of Jesus Christ is good news for the desperate - hope for all - in the powerful, expansive, miraculous love of God in Christ. Helen and the congregation then named people who needed that hope, lighting a candle for each, following with the Lord’s Prayer.

Hymn 14. “Now thank we all our God" was sung at Tom's request. That was us thanking our Lord for his all with every part of our being.

Blessing.  The Lord bless you and keep you
                  The Lord make his face to shine upon you
                  and be gracious unto you.
                  The Lord lift up his countenance upon you
                  and give you peace.

I'm trying to makes these notes on the service shorter, but I wouldn't leave out a letter of that blessing.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

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