Saturday 6 April 2013

Sunday Service Marsden Rd Uniting Church April 7

The Call to Worship was a down to earth representation of how we all think and feel sometimes. "Sometimes believing, sometimes doubting,... sometimes weeping, sometimes laughing,...sometimes afraid, sometimes joyful...Whatever has happened to us, here we are welcome." The final response was the thing that gives us stability and hope..."This day and this house belong to God."

Hymn TIS 380 "Yours be the glory" Chorus: "Yours be the Glory, risen, conquering Son, endless is the victory over death you've won." Endless- no matter what! That's what keeps us going through life's trials, our own weaknesses, the rampant greed and gobstopping corruption around us throughout the world.

The Prayer of Confession "Let us open our lives to God and ask for his forgiveness and grace"
An opportunity to express our great sadness at ignoring the possibilities God puts before us - the times we choose to look away and hug what we see as offences against us, close to us, rather than look to Him and the Grace made freely to us through His great sacrifice and victory.

And then the relief: "Your sins are forgiven...Come follow me."

Hymn TIS 691 "Faith will not grow by words alone". In this hymn the reality we all know is expressed so clearly - "our faith must feel its way about, and live with question marks and doubt."
But we can't just stand still - as the last verse points out, "Faith takes the little that we know, and calls for hope, and tells us: Go! Love and take courage come what may; Christ will be with us on the way."

Scripture Reading John 20: 19-20, 24-28. Laurel read the account of Thomas and his doubts. We might have the same doubts as Thomas and we may be crippling ourselves by refusing to believe that God can heal our hurt. And He can't unless we ask. Unless we open ourselves to His work.

This was followed by a first person narrative of the same account from Thomas' perspective delivered by Colin. At the end he says, "It was different for me - but maybe it's different for everyone. Jesus names each one of us, and invites us into his risen life." No one is excluded - no case too far gone.

Reflection - "Scars reveal resurrection" Helen began by expressing a "soft spot" for Thomas and his doubts. She said she thought that it wasn't so much a case of doubting God, as doubting his fellow disciples.
However Thomas' absence from Jesus' first appearance resulted in the individual attention Jesus gave him when they did meet and Thomas' profound response,

"My Lord and my God".
Helen then challenged us with the description of us as Easter People - those people experiencing the Risen Christ - here and now.
This resurrection experience is not just light and happy - it comes out of the hard places of our lives. Just as women in labour have to endure and struggle to bring forth a new life, so this new spiritual life only grows out of struggle.

But it is our core that gives us hope. Such hope that the disciples risked their lives to make it known. Wherever we are and whatever our struggles we should pray with Easter hope - then our expectations change.

We know that there will be changes at Marsden Road in the near future - are we facing this as Easter People?

Prayer "Hidden Christ, reveal yourself to us." This prayer was based on one be by Pat Bennett.
A condensed version: Tear through the prejudices...shatter the arrogant assumptions...throw down the images we made of you...Then when we are naked and vulnerable,...send us out to encounter you afresh, in the resurrection garden of your world.

Hymn TIS 649 "These things did Thomas" A plea that like Thomas, we too will believe.

The Freewill Offering Thanking God for our blessings and comforts, we prayed that our offering be used to support others.

Prayers for Others Delma thanked God for answered prayer and then prayed for peace in the world and the removal of tensions, especially those around North Korea. She prayed for the Uniting Church in Australia and then for individuals known to us. For God's honour and glory. This led into The Lord's Prayer. A prayer for needs, not for luxuries or excess.

Communion Hymn "All the hungry, all the thirsty" A hymn for all seasons, so to speak. Whatever our sense of grief and loss. Whatever our need. God can meet it, abundantly.

Communion Invitation An invitation for all to share in the gifts of the table. Christ calls our name.

Prayer of Thanksgiving Praise to God for the hope given to us borne out of the bleakness
and suffering of Easter.

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

On our behalf, Helen then gave thanks for the signs of broken bread and poured out wine, asking that they may speak to us of the everyday made holy, of new life, dancing in our veins. She prayed that we might not cling to the past but answer joyfully to the calling of our names.

The Distribution

Prayer after Communion "Easter God, you have met us in bread and wine. Send us out into the world dancing with delight and with hallelujahs ringing in our hearts."

Prayer of Departure (condensed)
In the breaking of bread and in prayers...In the telling of stories and in signs...In the sharing of resources and in justice...In this place and in this moment...A great mercy and sure hope. A new birth and a deep peace. A strong love and a rich blessing.
God is sending us out in joy.
Keeping this in our hearts and minds is so important, to keeping on track.

HYMN "All God's people, praise your Maker" No.2 v4
"All God's people, praise your Maker, praise the one who called you here. All disciples, praise your Teacher, loving, leading, always near. All you faithful, praise the Spirit, lifting every heart to pray. Praise the Holy One who gives us grace along the travelers' way.


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