welcomed us all and the notices were given out.
Call to Worship
be to God who reigns above the heavens
Praise be to God who dwells within our hearts Let the majesty of creation worship in reverence
Let each man, woman and child pray in faith
All Praise be to God"
Doxology "Praise God from whom
all blessings flow"
Kid's Time Out
reflection on the theme, "Watch the donut, not the hole"
After we
all sang a song on this theme, Helen asked the congregation to name things for
which we could say "Thank You" to God. As each suggestion was made, a
candle was lit.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
I've nearly set the church alight with these candles, with these flames of
praise. I can feel the warmth of these prayers. Thank you so much for being in
us, and inviting us in with you. We are never alone. Amen.
Hymn TIS 147 "To God be the glory" ...great
things He has done. It's not that the "great" things are all
spectacular by the standards of some. It's great that I have a warm home,
it's great that I have fresh food, it's
great that I can call on help if I need it. But more than all of that, it is
great that God enlightens
my heart and mind.
Prayer of Confession
Lord we
thank you for your son, Jesus Christ, who reconciles us to ourselves and to one
another.....And yet...so many "And yets". We need "fixing"
so that we remain open to God's guidance to see others as God sees them...other
inheritors of His grace. To see the possibilities for peace nationally and internationally...in
God's strength.
our attitudes and behaviour, that by your grace we may be the instruments of
your saving word." Amen.
Declaration of Grace
You are
no longer judged and condemned by the law, for in Jesus Christ, you are
children of God...your sins are forgiven; be at peace. (I think I will read
that again, and again and...)
There are times we can't find
God-when God seems so far away.
Psalm 42 & 43: (condensed) Like a
wallaby searching for a waterhole...I crave you, God, with every fibre of my
being...everything inside me thirsts for you, God...I feel so defeated inside:
Every day I read of your rock-solid love...my wounds are deep and painful...Let
your truth blaze like a beacon...I tell myself not to give up hope, for you are
my God and my help...and I'll be glad of that again.
Hymn TIS 26 "Just as a lost and thirsty deer longs
for a cool and running stream"...still I hope and trust my Saviour and my
God. You are not alone. I am not alone. God is constant.
Scripture Reading Luke 8: 26 - 29 The story of Jesus driving a
number of demons out of an afflicted man into a herd of swine. The man wanted
to join Jesus and his flock. But Jesus told him to go back to his home and tell
what had happened. Does anyone know what has happened to us?
Reflection Helen introduced the reading
from Luke's gospel by explaining that the writer is trying to show-"Who is
this Jesus?"
A rumour
was running around Luke's community that Jesus was an unprincipled person, who
for the sake of a worthless madman, destroyed the livelihood of many by letting
the Legion of demons leave the man and inhabit the herd of pigs, which
immediately stampeded over a cliff and were killed. The rumour also added that
Jesus cared only for His own - the Jews. However Luke claimed these accusations
were not so. The madman had been unmanageable for years. He broke out of any
chains put on him to restrain him and to protect him and nothing could be done
to rid him of the demons. However, when Jesus came along the demons recognized
Him. They addressed Him as Jesus, Son of the Most High God and sought His
permission to enter the pigs. Jesus had power and authority over demons. And as
a result of the demons leaving the man, he became peaceful. Jesus was able to
do what chains could not do.
Jews had nothing to do with pigs but the Romans used them as sacrificial animals and as a result the Romans had the nickname "pigs". So this story shows Jesus more powerful than the Romans.
Jews had nothing to do with pigs but the Romans used them as sacrificial animals and as a result the Romans had the nickname "pigs". So this story shows Jesus more powerful than the Romans.
this man was a gentile and was returned to his community whole, and Jesus told
him to return to his community and tell everyone what God had done for him.
story? But people aren't possessed by demons today are they? We are off the
hook. Sorry, no. This man howled in torment but how often have we wanted to
scream about behaviour in the wider community or in the church. What about the
worry and anxiety, the nightmares, the low self esteem, our fear of not being
accepted, of not fitting in. What about our trying to keep up with all those
"shoulds". This is a message of restoration, acceptance and love.
What are our names? We are Children of God. We are loved by God. We are healed
by Jesus.
Hymn TIS 584 "Just as I am without one plea"
This hymn says it all. Whatever we look like on the surface and to other people,
inside we are all lost and in need of the healing of God's grace... O Lamb of
God I come, I come.
Freewill Offering "God, our lives and
everything we have comes from you as a free gift. We want to act in your world
as you act in us. May our offering be part of our living generously towards
others." Amen.
A time of
quiet reflection.
Prayer for others and The
Lord's Prayer
Mae led us, reminding us that, as we came together in an attitude of prayer, of
sayings focusing on prayer: "More things are wrought by prayer than this
world dreams of" and "Those that wait for The Lord shall renew their
strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be
weary, they shall walk and not faint". Mae prayed for us that we should be
made surer than ever of God's presence in our lives: that we should live and
worship according to God's direction; that we should be channels of love and
peace and in order to do that, God's peace and quiet be in each of us. Mae
prayed for that hidden life within each of us; those hurts and fears; the
unresolved dilemmas and tensions that prevent our living lives according to
God's plan and then that God will give us the strength to meet each day. Mae
then directed our prayers to support the leaders of government, commerce,
church and caring professions: to support Helen and the inspirational ministry
she leads at MRUC. After praying for the needs of family and friends of the
congregation, we then joined together for The Lord's Prayer.
Hymn TIS 670 "Jesus put this song into
our hearts" Jesus has taught us all we need to live a life of grace...are
we listening?...are we acting on those lessons?
Commissioning and Benediction
Go now, proclaiming to all how much Jesus has done for you. And may God be your fortress; May Jesus Christ release you from all that torments you;
Go now, proclaiming to all how much Jesus has done for you. And may God be your fortress; May Jesus Christ release you from all that torments you;
And may
the HS give you light and truth...to sustain you day and night.
Go in
peace to love and serve The Lord.
...In the name of Christ. Amen
Hymn of Departure TIS 106. "Now thank we all our
God" With all we have, we thank
God for all He is and all He can do for us and the world around us... "who
ever was, is now, and shall be ever more."
Amen to that too.
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