We Gather
We are Called to Worship
"Risen Christ. Your presence fills the cosmos.
Cosmic Christ. Your presence pulses through all galactic
space across light years of time.
Living Christ. In this nano-second we call "now".
In this nano-space we call "here",
Make your presence felt among us. Yes, make your presence
Hymn TIS 186 "Stars
and planets flung in orbit" All creation, from the smallest life to the
soaring mountains and through the unimaginably far reaches of space, praise
Prayer. In a responsive prayer, we thanked God for
that awareness we have of our place in time and space.
Then we confessed that we selfishly had used our position for
our own ends, forgetting that it is God's gift and expressed our sorrow at our
greed and the results it brought about.
Then Chris declared, "in the name of the risen
Christ...our sin is forgiven and our lives made new.”
Hymn TIS 187 "Let all
creation dance" All creation shouts its praise of God's sublime
every part of creation, even those parts seen as non-living, swell with the
music of God's joy-giving dance.
We Listen for a Word from God
We Listen for a Word from God
The Scriptures 1 Timothy 2:
1 - 7; Luke 16; 1 - 13. Read by Bob, the Timothy reading gives us Paul's
instruction to pray for those in positions of responsibility, that we will lead
peaceable lives and also that all will come to a knowledge of the truth because
that is what is intended. The Luke reading is one that has been regarded all
through history as very confusing and at times, contradictory. However, we
should listen for God's voice amongst the confusing story.
Reflection Chris
introduced the Luke reading by explaining that not only had it puzzled
commentators but also seemed to have puzzled the writer at the time of
recording. The story concerns a manager
who was summoned by the owner of a property to account for rumours about his
having squandered the owner's property. Realizing his job was in jeopardy and
not having the strength to do manual work and not wanting to beg, he set about
ingratiating himself with the owner’s debtors. He contacted them all and reduced their debt.
Which is when things become confusing. The owner commended him for this strategy.
Then the contradiction. If a person can't be trusted with a little, they most
certainly won’t be trusted with a lot and if a person cannot be faithful
with dishonest wealth, then they will not be trusted with honest wealth. Hmmm!
What to make of that? Perhaps the manager realised that his own welfare
depended on how he treated the less well off. Then the landowner could hardly
renege on the arrangement. There may have been a recognition that real wealth
lies in relationships and that treatment of people with less power should be
just and fair. There are no unimportant people and if those that are fooled by
thoughts of self importance realised that, it would be a different world.
The Timothy reading is focused on the need for prayer - for
all. In praying for people we begin to see their significance and we thereby
build communication with them. But prayer must translate into action and, as
confusing as the Luke reading is, that is where it directs us.
We Begin our
Response to God's Word.
Affirmation of faith.
We affirmed our belief in God as creator; in the Earth as a sanctuary;
a place filled with God's presence. We affirmed our belief that God became
human in Jesus and died on the cross for all. We affirmed our belief that Jesus
is at the core of creation, reconciling all things to God and renewing all
things, groaning with creation and waiting with us for its rebirth. We affirmed
that we, together with Christ will celebrate a new creation.
Hymn TIS 146 "God who
made the Earth" Singing of our wonder that the God of all creation would
have an interest in us to the extent that he would give His son that we can
find eternal life.
Our Offering was received
for God's work after which announcements were given about God's work as it
happens locally.
Prayers for the People Marcia prayed
on our behalf to our loving gracious God, approaching Him in prayerful worship,
telling of our heavy hearts at the fear and suffering in the world and
acknowledging how much more so it is for Him to see innocents suffer like those
in Syria. She asked that those suffering people should feel God's compassion
and that success might be achieved in bringing about peace.
Thanks was given for our beautiful land and for the
loveliness of Spring and that people in Australia can experience a secure life.
Marcia prayed for support for teachers, health service workers and law
enforcement officers asking that our prayers would be accepted in Jesus' name.
She then led us in the Lord's Prayer.
We all Go Out
in Love
Hymn "A
Smile" We sang of the effectiveness of a smile. How, although it may not
bring about revolutionary change, we change someone's world there and then when
we give them our smile.
We are sent out with a Blessing
“Christ calls you to be His disciples, to serve Him with love
and compassion, to serve Earth by caring for creation.
May the Spirit of God, who is the cosmic power above all and
through all, fill you with an awareness of Christ's presence, permeating the
cosmos and pulsing within you.
Go in peace.
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