Monday 6 January 2014

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 5 January 2014


Marcia introduced Hugh who will be our minister for the next three months.  How blessed we have been to have our services led each week by such a variety of people willing to share with us as we continue the process of calling a new minister.  Hugh called us to share in Worship together.


Hymn  TiS 156                                                Morning has broken

Morning has broken like the first morning; blackbird has spoken like the first bird.

Eleanor Farjeon: (1881 – 1965) wrote this beautiful song inspired by several Bible verses.  Lamentations 3 : 22-26 “It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.  The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.  It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.”  For our first Sunday Service in a brand new year – I was struck by the opportunity God gives us, not only with a brand new year, but with each new day.

Prayers of Praise & Confession        

Loving God maker of heaven and earth we join together this morning to praise you;

We enter your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise

After we confessed our sins, we were reminded of the faithfulness and forgiveness of God.  We prayed we may be filled afresh this New Year, to follow God more closely and share His love and worship Him with gladness.

Hymn TiS 643                                    I want to walk as a child of the light

I want to walk as a child of the light, I want to follow Jesus.

God set the stars to give light to the world: the star of my life is Jesus.

More looking forward to so many things - with such joy and expectation - as we sang this hymn!

Bible readings                                     Psalm 84 - Page 441    &    Luke 2: 41–52 - Page 780

Our Bible passages this morning were read for us by Jack who took a few moments to welcome our dear friend Bill whose devotion as the carer of his precious wife of 64 years prevents him from joining us very often these days.  For me this reflected the way the people in our church and their relationships are the “glue that keeps us together”, encouraged in our love of God and our love and care for each other.   Psalm 84: Verse 4: Happy are those that dwell in thy house; they never cease from praising thee.  Happy the men whose refuge is in thee, whose hearts are set on the pilgrim way!  The interesting thing about this positive Psalm Jack told us – is that it follows a series of “doom and gloom” Psalms.

The reading from Luke presents the familiar story of Jesus at a very young age asking his parents who had been worried about him; “Did you not know that I was bound to be in my Father’s house?”

Reflection:                                                    “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will catch people.”

Hugh began his sermon: “On this first Sunday of this new year, I hope and pray that many churches across the world, including us, will go beyond their church walls out to the world as a community of faith, doing everything possible to let the world know that God is real and He is love.”  The word HOPE stood out like a beacon for me!


With happy memories of his childhood, when he loved to watch magicians perform, Hugh told us he and his son have booked tickets to watch world-class magicians perform at the Sydney Opera House this month.  He wonders if these professional magicians will be able to amaze him now he is “fully grown-up” and now that he is used to the “magic” which is common place due to, “All sorts of state-of-the-art computer graphics.” 


He certainly struck a chord here with me as I have often thought with regret that children today cannot experience the pure wonder and amazement we enjoyed as kids.

Hugh told us he had done some Bible research on passages where people were “amazed or astonished” and he discovered more than 40 events in the Gospels alone where words like ‘amazed, astonished and surprised’ are used to describe people’s responses to Jesus.  As most of us quickly began to search our memories, Hugh reminded us of the miracles of the water turned into wine at the wedding,
the healing of the sick and handicapped, getting Lazarus back to life and feeding 5,000 people with five small loaves of bread and two small fish.  That was certainly a pretty impressive start!  Another amazing event that left everyone astonished was the huge haul of fish Peter and his friends caught when they cast their nets where Jesus told them to cast

“But I think, what’s so amazing about the Bible is not just the stories themselves that took place two thousand years ago, but the stories that will take place through you and your lives, and our church in this new year,” Hugh told us.  If we stop being amazed by Jesus, sharing the Gospel, considering others and their pains, remembering God outside the church and become comfortable and self-centered; “People around us will stop being amazed by our Christian Faith.” Living as Jesus’ follower in this secularized society is a very risky job from the start,” he said. I think it is well worth going back and re-reading Luke 2: 41–52.  I think I failed to see all the amazement and astonishment when I heard this story prior to today – I had always thought Jesus showed lack of consideration to his parents.

“In the Gospels the biggest thing that amazes me is not the numbers of people that Jesus touched, healed and blessed. The biggest challenge, the biggest amazement that I see in the bible is how people lived after the Gospel touched their lives. This seems to be the biggest amazement we can share among ourselves in this New Year.  And Jesus still calls to you:  “Don’t be afraid, my friend. From now on you will catch people.”   Amen.”

Hymn  TiS 640                                                Kneels at the feet of his friends

Loving puts us on our knees, silently washing their feet, this is the way we should live with you.

            Yesu, Yesu, fill us with your love, show us how to serve the neighbours we have from you.

Thomas Stevenson Colvin, (1925-2000) was a Church of Scotland missionary in Malawi and Ghana, who encouraged community development in Africa by Christians. He used the African musical heritage to write hymns arising from the African context for worship and this lovely hymn certainly embraces this idea.

Offering / Prayer  Chris and Chrysanthi took Oliver and Caliope with them to carry the offering plates.  Everyone enjoyed the children’s pleasure in helping and Hugh involved them in the offering prayer.  We were all reminded of the joy and privilege of being able to give something to others.

Prayers for Others  Pat began the Prayers of Intercession with thanks for all the blessings of the year just finished - before praying for the year just beginning and the special needs of the church and the people we know who are in need.  It is always a blessing for us to remember that these prayer needs are passed on to our Insomniacs Prayer Group and brought to God many times during the week.

We said the Lord’s Prayer together and shared the Communion Meal before “Passing the Peace” and silently joining in a prayer of thanks for the tradition of Communion through the centuries and we proclaimed our Faith.  “Christ has died:  Christ is risen:   Christ will come again.”

Hymn TiS 409                                       O breath of life, come sweeping through us

O breath of life, come sweeping through us, revive your church with life and power;

O breath of life, come cleanse, renew us, and fit your church to meet this hour.

This was certainly a motivating hymn to send us on our way to think some more about the ways we might work to make God’s church, (our Marsden Road Church) a place to meet the needs of people during the coming year.

The Benediction & Blessing              Hugh urged us to go with God into the New Year.

May the feet of God walk with you and His hand hold you tight.      

May the eye of God rest on you and His ear hear your cry.

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