Sunday, 13 April 2014

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 13 April 2014


Call to Worship


The story of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem

tells us that after his celebrated arrival

He went to the Temple and looked around at everything.

As we gather here for worship today, may it be

with a sense that Jesus has walked in too, and is looking around.


May our eyes be open to see Him,

May our hearts be ready to be seen by Him,

May our worship be worthy of His presence,

And may we be transformed

so that we see the world through His eyes.


Let us worship God our Father.

The Lord be with you.


And also with you.

HymnTIS161 "Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!" A song of triumphant praise. We should start each day with one of these, life would take on a totally different hue.

Prayer of Adoration and Confession. Hugh's prayer referenced the triumphant ride into Jerusalem and the shout of the crowd, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord", and asked that, "our enthusiastic presence contribute to a world-wide recognition that (God) is indeed. the King of all". He then confessed our many sins and begged forgiveness for them, assuring us that we were forgiven.

Offering Once again our youngest members collected the offering which was dedicated to the work of God in our community.

Hymn TIS 256 "From Heaven you came" (vv. 1, 3 & 4) The first verse of this hymn teaches us a lesson, that if everyone heeded it, the world would be a vastly different place. Jesus came to serve,  not to be served. The outcome was our redemption. Our service cannot bring such a life-changing and world-changing effect but we can make a huge difference. But the more people who expect to be served, the worse humanity will be.

Readings John 12: 12 - 18; Philippians 2: 5 - 8 read by Joyce.

The reading in John was the story of Jesus' triumphant ride into Jerusalem and the people's marvelling at the works he had done. It looked as though things were done and dusted but the threat it raised in the minds of the Pharisees was to spell out the end of Jesus' life on Earth. Even people who are simply good and upright in their dealings can have such an effect. If you get in the way of the power or wealth of some people simply by being honest, they will find a way to remove you.

Philippians takes us to the next step. Because Jesus emptied himself of all but love, "God also highly exalted him and gave him the name above every name". Good will triumph and absolute good will triumph, absolutely.

Reflection Hugh began by reminding us that the people were so sure of Jesus'  Kingship that they were about to take him physically to make him their king by force. That happened earlier in his ministry and here it is happening again. Hugh then pointed out that when the people shouted   Hosanna  it could have also been used as it was to greet military heroes.
Then it could mean, "Save us our King. Protect us and save us from our enemies and oppressors". We all know why the people would have been so motivated - years of rule by foreign powers.

But Jesus came for a different reason - to establish a different kind of kingdom - he came to show "love, grace, forgiveness...he lived for it, suffered and died for it and lived again for it."

I wonder how much we look to Jesus, maybe not for relief from an earthly oppressor but as a way of solving earthly problems. Have we surrendered ourselves to his service or do we expect service from him. Sometimes I think that if I need freeing from an oppressor, then it's from myself.

"This is a life-or-death matter. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord and Saviour gave up his life for this matter. For us to live his life on earth. Christianity isn't a religion - it's a new way of life"

Quartet Hugh, Malcolm, Grahame and Stephen sang the evocative, "Were you there?" A challenge to us all.

Prayers for the People and the Lord's Prayer Hugh led us in a prayer "For the peace from above, for the loving kindness of God, and for the salvation of our souls. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

He prayed for peace in the world, and the welfare of our planet and its peoples. For Carlingford and all other localities. He prayed for all those suffering and in need and for our own church and its ministry. And then we joined in the Lord's Prayer, praying as the Lord taught us.

Hymn TIS 648 "Help us accept each other" vv. 1, 3 & 4 Another lesson in Christian living. We are accepted by God, himself. We have nothing to recommend us. That acceptance is full and free. Pass it on - that's all we can and should do.


May the Lord bless us and protect us.

May the Lord smile on us and be gracious to us.

May the Lord show us his favour and give us his peace.


And the Blessing of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit abide with you, now and always.


Amen. Amen. Amen.



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