Saturday 14 June 2014

Sunday Sevice Marsden Road Uniting Church 15 June 2014

The Gathering of the People of God

A special thank you to the musicians, the people who decorate the church, and all those other people who are rostered onto the various jobs that keep the service humming.

Call to Worship.

Remember, Christian Worship is both God's gift to us and our offering to God.

Leader: To God be all glory,

              the one who visits us in three persons,

              the Holy Trinity of Hope and love.

All:        For there is no place which is without you, God

              and no time when you are not there.

Leader: For you are the beginning and the end,

              the source of all that is the wonder

              of universal life.

All:        And yet, you take us by the hand and lead us

              as the life of Christ walks our human way

              And shows us that life is stronger than death.

Leader:  In the Holy Spirit we are gifted, again and again,

               and are called onwards towards a future

               in which we are surrounded by love and grace.

All:        We praise and worship you O God

              For there is no other God like you.


(From Words and Worship)

Hymn TIS 83 "Let us with a Gladsome Mind". Led by Lyn, this hymn gave an opportunity for people to joyfully and enthusiastically praise God for his

Prayer of Adoration and Confession.

Leader: O God who meets our every need, who heals our wounds and who can restore us to the fullness of our humanity; we give you thanks for your greatness and your love and light that illumines this dark and broken place in which we live. We confess before you our many sins and all the times we have not sought to show your love to the world.

All: For all these transgressions we beg forgiveness, Lord.

Words of Assurance

Psalm 91:14 - 16

"Those who love me, I will deliver;

I will protect those who know my name.

When they call me, I will answer them;

I will be with them in trouble,

I will rescue them and honour them.

With long life I will satisfy them,

And show them my salvation.

All: Sisters and brothers, our sins are forgiven. Be at peace. Thanks be to God.

Offering. Kaye received the offering collected by our younger members and gave thanks for God's gifts to us and prayed that as we returned a little, that it will be used to further God's kingdom


HymnTIS 430 "Your Words to me are Life and Health". Lyn led us again, singing of the effect of God's message in our lives, restoring and healing us. Amen.

The Service of the Word

Bible Readings:  Psalm 8 and Matthew 28: 16 - 20

                             Supplementary reading: Isaiah 6: 1 - 8.         Susan   

The reading from Psalms spoke of God's creative majesty, while the Matthew reading recounted the sending out of the disciples to take up the work of Jesus. Isaiah 6 was an account of "Isaiah's Calling" and his realisation of his need to respond to God's message to go out and do  His work in the world.

Reflection. Margaret spoke on Isaiah 6 and of Isaiah's experience of being confronted by God in the Temple, with a Seraph calling out, "Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory. The  experience was so overwhelming that Isaiah was struck with his own and his people's fall from following God's path for them. His own sinfulness cleansed he heard God's asking "Who will go for us?" And Isaiah, totally shaken by his experience could only answer, "Here I am Lord; send me!"

Hymn TIS 658 "I, The Lord of sea and sky". The logical response to the reading from Isaiah and the reflection. Here I am Lord!

Prayers for the People and The Lord's Prayer:

This is a fourth century prayer written by Saint Sarrah

O Lord You who have measured the heights and the earth In the hollow of your hand

And created the six- winged Seraphin to cry out Holy, Holy, Holy,

Glory to your name.

We thank you for your care for us and pray that we will be strengthened in sharing that care with others - showing them your love.

We pray for those in need all around the world that you will move those that can, to meet their needs.

We pray for our governments in Australia that they will see their role as serving and caring for the people of this land.

We pray for the church everywhere, especially here at Marsden Road, week by week as we seek to find a new minister.

At this point, we prayed quietly together, sending up a hum of prayer for our personal concerns

Our God hold us in your palm, lest we stray. Help us find you in stillness, to hear your voice, opening our hearts and minds to your will. Then we joined in the Lord's Prayer

The Sending forth of the People of God 

Leader: We have heard your voice our Lord

People: Keep your words in our hearts as we go forth into the rest of today and this week.

Leader: At every point may we be saying "Here am I Lord, send me".

People: Take away our hesitation, Lord, take away our anxiety.

Leader: Give us a vision of what could be and guide us in fulfilling that vision

People: For your sake and in your name. Amen

Hymn TIS 609 "May the mind of Christ my Saviour". The only way any of this can happen.


The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make his face to shine upon you

and be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you

and give you peace. (Numbers 6: 24 - 26)

Hymn TIS 778 "Shalom to you now...shalom my friends". Lyn. 

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