I wasn't
able to attend this service but Hugh supplied me with most of it in writing so
I gained by being able to appreciate it although I was absent and also had the
basis for this reflection.
Lord be with you:
also with you.
greeting of blessing and goodwill to start us on the journey of this worship
TIS 161
"Tell out my Soul, the greatness of the Lord". The poignant attempt
to adore, worship and declare the blessings of God's Grace.
of Adoration
speaking for us, expressed thanks and gratitude for our existence and the
opportunity to meet together in worship, just as we are. He gave thanks that we
are each known to God, regardless of our circumstances and part of a His grand
design. Accordingly, and most humbly on our behalf, Hugh asked God to accept
our worship, praise, hymns and prayers.
of Confession (together)
merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and
deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved
you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves. We are
truly sorry and we humbly repent, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ. Have
mercy on us and forgive us, Lord, that we may delight in your will and walk in
your ways, to the glory of your Name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
relief to be able to approach our maker and receive forgiveness.
TIS 685
"Lord I come to you". A plea and thanks for its fulfillment that God
will change and renew us through the power of his love. What wonderful hope
that we can be raised beyond our flawed selves.
Isaiah 55: 10 - 13. God compares His word to the rain that does not return to
the atmosphere until it has worked its way through a series of living things.
Don't think we can bat God's word away. It will swirl about, disturbing our
soul, doing its work. Matthew 13: 1 -
9, 18 - 23. Both these passages speak of the different responses to God's message.
Sometimes it seems to die in the air as it is spoken, sometimes it flourishes
for a while and still other times it flourishes within the person who hears it.
Which are we - it's our choice but once a person reads God's word they don't
forget it and although it seems like a great sacrifice to some people to
respond in a positive way, it's actually an amazingly liberating experience.

for the People
prayed on our behalf asking for help to be good stewards of our planet, God's
creation. Hugh prayed for our leaders, that their decisions will be guided by a
vision of the common good. He then turned attention to our church, asking that
as its people and its leaders, we will all feel God's presence in all we do. He
then prayed for forgiveness for anyone that should harm us and went on to pray
for the special needs of those known to each of us, finishing with the Lord's
TIS 745 "Seek
ye first the Kingdom of God " The gospel in a nutshell and praise that
this message of hope is available to us.
then pronounced the Benediction and we rounded off with
TIS 720 "Halle,
Halle, Hallelujah" Thank you for relief from the many flaws that go with
being human. With gratitude we welcome your work in our hearts.
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