Friday 30 September 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 25 September 2016

Processional Hymn

Hymn TIS 351 "Lift High the Cross" During the singing of this hymn the cross was  brought to the sanctuary.

Welcome to visitors Jack welcomed Rev. Graham Ellis, our minister for the day and the Walker and Baker families who came especially for this service.

Responsive Prayer of Praise.

O, give thanks to the Lord and call upon his name:

tell among the people what things he has done.

Sing to him, O, sing to him, O sing praises:

And tell of his marvellous works.

Call to mind the wonders he has done:

His marvellous acts and the judgements of his mouth.

Blessed be the Lord, God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting:

And all the people say Amen. Praise the Lord.

Almighty God, we praise you for Jesus Christ, the foundation and cornerstone of all we believe and long for:

We praise you, O God....

Graham spoke about Bill Walker and his contribution to the ministry of the Uniting Church.

He directed our attention to the cross which he had carried into the church. It was the work of Bill and a gift to Nth Ryde Uniting Church. Graham pointed out the careful crafting which had gone into the cross, a symbol of Bill's care for the church and its people.

Collect of the Cross

Almighty God, you called your church into being, that your people might know you.

and make your name known, and blessed us with the witness of your servant, Bill Walker.

Grant that we, following in his footsteps, may learn to take hold of the cross, embrace the truth that is eternal, and show our faith by our actions.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Carolyn and Colin then led us in an appreciation of the stained glass windows by relating their history and speaking of the people in whose names the present windows are dedicated, reminding us of the faithfulness of people over time.

Hymn TIS "Love Divine all loves excelling" A prayer to be the blessing that others have been for us.

Scripture: Luke 16: 19 - 31 The account of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man hadn't much time for Lazarus despite seeing him every day, but when he ended up in damnation and seeing Lazarus in Heaven, he wanted his help. I think we are supposed to hear a message about having to respond God's call in this life. I don't know what to make of this passage but my view is that God's merciful, welcoming arms are always open.

Sermon "Saints Alive" Graham began with a line from Judith Wright's "The Slope", "will you deny the burst of glory in the world and man?" Graham told us that the title of today's sermon arose from a conversation "Saints Alive - The Eternal in Time" and also pointed out that 150 years doesn't just happen. He said that Eternity had broken through in these saints. He compared the "quantity" of "everlasting" with the 'quality' of 'eternal' and reminded us that Jesus was about 'quality' and continued by saying that in Bill Walker, quality had invaded time.
Graham remembered a church camp (which he says should be law because of their great benefit) where he conversed with Bill; when the essence of Bill was addressing the essence of Graham and visa versa. It was a matter of being and truth exchanging with being and truth.
And Graham said that essence was found in the construction of the cross. Graham spoke of many people whom the church acknowledges and added Bill Walker to that list. Graham then spoke of the window dedicated to the Walkers and how God's spirit comes to us through art, and how those windows raise an awareness of what is being celebrated and reminded us of John Wesley's words "The best is yet to come." God blessed us with the witness of Bill Walker.

Will you deny the burst of glory in the man Bill Walker?

The Offering During the offering the choir will sing "All Praise to Thee"

The Family Remembers Bill's son spoke of the many memories he and the family had of  Marsden Road. He spoke about many instances where Marsden Road Church had been a blessing to the family and how they had benefited in so many ways from their time here.

Hymn AHB 519 "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" Another prayer, addressing our God to whom we can turn - always.

Prayers of the People were led by Margaret who began with a reminder that God is waiting to hear us and then turned our prayerful attention to the needs of our own community and the world around us. We then joined in The Lord's Prayer

Graham then pronounced the Benediction to which we responded with the

Threefold Amen.

Hymn TIS 455 "For all the Saints who from their labours rest" Those who have blessed us by the foundation they have laid.

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