Friday 9 December 2016

Sunday Service Marsden Road Uniting Church 4 December 2016

Gathering God’s People. Prelude ​Music to prepare for worship

Call to Worship - (Karen Ellis, Abingdon 2016)

​​On the journey toward Christmas, God calls: change your hearts, transform your lives, and prepare the way of the Lord!

As we prepare to grow with God, we nurture love and understanding.

​As we prepare to grow with Christ, ​we bring forth justice and peace.

​As we prepare to grow in the Spirit, ​we live the promises of Christmas— promises of love, peace, hope, and joy

Advent Candle: Trust

The Spirit of God conceives new life and hope ​in our midst... ​​​God of peace, we light this second advent candle​​... may we who are also ​​searching, find strength, hope and vision in this tiny light. ​​Sometimes weak, sometimes small, often vulnerable ​​– we are ONE with the many who kneel in hope and trust for themselves, their children and this world...​​We bring our prayers, written, spoken or silent – ​​And place them within this circle. God of immeasurable love – you are near.

Hymn TIS 275: “Hail to the Lord’s anointed” Jesus' arrival signals a new order and nothing will be the same. "The tide of time shall never his covenant remove; his name shall stand forever, that name to us is love."

Opening Prayer

​Nurture us with the bread of justice. Strengthen us with wine of compassion and peace. Shower us with wellspring of hope and promise, live in us this day, that we may grow in stature and grace. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer of Confession

Holy Spirit, send your cleansing fire into our lives, that we may bear the fruit of righteousness.

When we create division where peace is most needed, lead us into the ways of life. When we cling to old patterns that destroy, straighten out the crooked roads of doubt and despair.

When we harden our hearts against love and kindness, soften our hearts so that love guides our paths. Grant us the peace that passes all understanding, and nourish us with hope and faith, that we might walk in your ways and bear the fruit of your love.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Christ is God’s branch of mercy and grace— the promise of new life out of death and despair. In Christ, we are freed to begin anew, and to grow in the love of God! Thanks be to God!

The Peace

Peace be within you! And also with you

Offering Prayer

Bless these gifts, O God, that they may become justice for the poor, deliverance to the needy, and hope to the oppressed. Bless our gifts, Holy One, that we may grow in your grace, and produce the fruit of your Spirit: Love, peace, hope, and joy.

Hymn TIS 270: “On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry” ​​​ With Jesus' baptism, his mission became public and the world started changing right then and there.

The Service of Holy Communion

The Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. ​And also with you.

​Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.

​Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. ​It is right to give our thanks and praise.

We were reminded that Jesus, as Creator, was there at the beginning of everything....he knows our every thought, our every unspoken word...everything about us and his love for us extends to areas of our lives we are not conscious of ourselves, therefore with choirs of angels and archangels and with those of every time and place, we give you praise and glory:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

We were then reminded of the institution of the meal to follow...We remember how he poured his love out to all he met and look forward to his return and the coming reign of peace, love, and justice. And so, remembering Christ’s life, love, death, and resurrection, we proclaim the mystery of faith:

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again!

And now, faithful God, send us your Spirit to feed us with the body and the blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ: Blessing and honour and glory and power are yours for ever and ever. Amen. 

Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Invitation to Communion

Come and eat, the banquet awaits.

Prayer after Communion

Eternal God, we thank you for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Send us into the world in peace for we have seen, have heard, and been fed by your grace.

The Service of the Word The readings were delivered by Mae.

Isaiah 11:1-10 He is coming who will set the world aright.

Matthew 3:1- 12 John the Baptist prepares the way of the Lord. If we think about it, John's Jesus was far more judgmental than the real Jesus who seemed more interested in lifting the burdens that weighed down people. God of mercy.

For the Word of the Lord. ​​​​Thanks be to God.

Preaching of the Word - Prepare Our Hearts – Matthew 3:1-12

These are the words from John's sermon that jumped out and grabbed me.

The reading from Matthew points past the time of the birth of Jesus which is our immediate focus, to the reason that Jesus entered history. People had well and truly lost their way and needed to be stunned out of their lack of understanding of God's plan for them.

John had no qualifications. He simply showed up out of nowhere with a passion for the message he preached. He told the people that it won't be easy; that self examination and confession is needed; we need to think about what separates us from God; we need to give serious thought to what we are without God; we need to think about how we can contribute to the mending of a broken world and how we can possibly do that without God; we need to open ourselves to be shocked out of our complacency and John tells us the old story that it's about the love of God that gathers us up to be a child of a God.

Hymn TIS 616: “O day of God, draw near” A Prayer that God will, in fact, draw near and do his work in our lives.

Intercessory Prayers

John led us in prayer for all those who suffer or who are burdened in this world, whether known to us or far away. He prayed particularly for the oppressed and exploited and victims of any sort of violence. He prayed that leaders accept their responsibilities and that those of us living in shame will realize that the love of God can lift us up. He asked that Jesus come to us. We then joined in the Lord's Prayer. Amen.

​Hymn TIS 264: “Hark! a herald voice is calling” Jesus is here today for anyone who turns to him and accepts the invitation that has always been there.


May God fill you with peace. May God fill you with joy. May God bless you with hope and love.

​​​And may the whole earth be restored to hope, the heavens sing aloud with the promise of good to come and God in three persons, the Holy Trinity be with you all in each moment of your lives.

Hymn TIS 779: “May the feet of God walk with you

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