Tuesday 16 May 2017

Sunday Service Marsden Road Unitng Church 7 May 2017

Gathering of God's People 

Call to Worship

(Mary Sue Brookshire, Abingdon Worship Annual 2017)

We began with a reflection of our relation to God as sheep to a shepherd. Sheep remember their shepherds and stay close to each other and the shepherd, chewing as they graze. We are invited to "Chew over things": reflect on our relationship with our shepherd. We then joined in a responsive version of Psalm 23 after which followed a sung version to the familiar Crimond tune, bringing back school day memories.

The Opening prayer continued the same theme highlighting God's ability to be heard and recognized over the din that daily surrounds us. To call us from all the distractions of life to true nourishment.

The Prayer of Confession reminded us who should be leading and who should be in control and how we forget that, turning away, for this we asked forgiveness.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Even when we stray like sheep, the Good Shepherd finds us and brings us home. Through Christ, we are forgiven.

Thanks, be to God!

The Peace One of the most moving parts of the service as we reach out to each other:

God makes peace within us. Let us claim it.
God makes peace between us. Let us share it

Peace be with you!

And also with you.


The Good Shepherd provides for our needs; we lack nothing. We come now to share from the abundance we have received.

Offering Prayer

 Holy One we offer these gifts with gratitude for the many ways you care for us. Use these gifts, and our very lives, O God, that all might have life, and have it abundantly. Amen.

Hymn TIS 588: “In heavenly love abiding” In the care of the shepherd we can be safe and secure.

There followed the service of Holy Communion. I was talking to a speaker recently and we agreed. We don't know what happens in Communion or why it happens, but it does. Things are different after we join together, placing ourselves in God's presence, remembering Jesus sacrifice.

Prayer after Communion

God of compassion, through your son, Jesus Christ, you reconciled your people to yourself. Following his example of prayer and fasting may be obey you with willing hearts and serve one another in holy love. Amen

The Service of the Word

The Readings: Acts 2:42-47. 1 Peter 2:19-25. John 10:1-10

Preaching of the Word

Gates! – John 10:1-10

Rev. John spoke about the types of gates which exist and the reason for them. He then spoke of Jesus as the gate to The Kingdom. Before he could say anything else I thought: "Jesus is the gate to let us in, not to keep us out."

Then Rev. John said:  

It may surprise some to learn that the divine kingdom is also now -- a joy filled life in Christ can also be now. This is a reality! Not that it's a bed of roses, that it's utopia, that it's nirvana. No, but it is, in fact, the Divine Kingdom which is real and filled with true Divine Love and it's yours to enter, as you will. The only stipulation is to use the gate...Rev John later followed with:

 This love is so divine that all your earthly treasures will shrink in comparison. This love is so complete that all your woes and trials will be walked through with strength and courage, and you will know the divine support all around you. Come join the flock, those who know the voice of their gatekeeper; come, enter by the front door, for his arms are stretched wide open for you. Amen.

Hymn TIS 655: “O let the Son of God enfold you”

Music to lead us to prayer

Intercessory Prayers

Delma led us, beginning with a prayer of thanks for answered prayer. She then prayed for peace here and now, then for our governments. She followed, asking for wisdom among the leadership of the UCA and for the leaders of our MRUC. She gave opportunity for each of us to pray silently and added a prayer for those that mourn and the sick, particularly those people in our own church or known to our congregation who are suffering in any way, concluding with The Lord's Prayer.

Hymn TIS 147: “To God be the glory,” Sung with gusto by people who were thankful.


As you go out into the world practise being sheep…..

and slow down. Chew on things. Stay close together. And listen for the voice of the shepherd calling to you.

And may the Almighty God, Creator, Redeemer and Giver of Life bless you and keep you safe out in his world through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Hymn TIS 780: “May light come into your eyes” Our prayer for each other. Amen.

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