Today’s service was the result of a combined effort of
many people of goodwill.
Margaret was unable to deliver the sermon and so
Warwick did that for her and he did that very well too and we were very blessed
by the outcome. Today I want to pay attention to the prayers and the
After acknowledging the Barramattagal people, the
traditional carers of the land we continued:
The Gathering of the People of God.
Call to Worship
Let us start this
service well, by reminding ourselves: That it is not we who chose Christ,
but Christ who chose
That we are not here
because of our goodness but because of Christ’s grace,
That we are not here
to enlighten ourselves, but to allow Christ to enlighten us,
That we have not come
to be entertained but to worship God with heart, soul, mind and strength.
Amen ~ written by Bruce Prewer
you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations
the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting
to everlasting you are God. We thank you that you have enshrined your name in
our hearts
we will always be looking to you and longing for that wholeness That only you
can provide. We open ourselves to you, in this place, Lord.
your Spirit enter into and direct our worship today.
Prayer of Adoration and Thanksgiving -Alexis
You, loving God, are
the ground of our being and the river of life;
P. You both steady
our roots and draw them to seek the living waters.
You are like the
sunlight enticing us taller P. And like the breeze rustling our leaves.
You are with us
through hard seasons of summer heat,
P. And in the nights
when winter’s frost ice the landscape
your love warms and
sustains us. P. You are everything to us.
O let our gratitude
be great, let our praise be plentiful, let our worship be wonder-full!
Through Christ Jesus
your ever-living Son. Amen! — written by Bruce Prewer
Prayer of Confession.
Together: O God
We confess the
blindness that is not even aware of our offences; The pride that dares not
admit that it is wrong; the selfishness that can see nothing but its own will;
the self- righteousness that knows no fault; the callousness that has ceased to
the defiance that
does not regret its own actions; the evasion that always tries to make
excuses; the coldness of heart that is
too hardened to repent.
God, we have failed
and let you down. Our plea- be merciful to us. Amen.
Words of Assurance.
Through God’s
generous mercy your sins are forgiven
Take hold of this forgiveness
And live your life in
the power of the Spirit.
Lord, generosity and kindness are the characteristics of your way of
being. We thank you for all the blessings we enjoy and ask that these offerings
will be used in your service for the building of your kingdom.
Reflection - Margaret - “The Big Picture” delivered
by Warwick.
The reflection began by setting the scene and providing background to
the conversation between Jesus and the Sadducees and Pharisees in Matthew. That
made it clear that though Jesus had angered the leaders by preaching and living
out God’s liberating message, he wasn't going to stop even under threat to his
life. In reference to the attitude of the leaders to not being able to answer
Jesus’s question:
They really wouldn't have liked that. They were shown to be short of
expertise in their own area…in public. This would not be
the end of it.
Whenever, I hear a bible story I think about what character in the story
I would be.
Where would we fit in these stories?
It could be something touched you early in today's reflection and that's
where God is talking to you. It may be that it happened later in the
reflection. Or if you are like me, there is something about each character you
can identify with.
I have completed more formal education than most Australians, and yet
there are times when I am absolutely floored by my own stupidity.
I need the sort of help in life that the law was meant to give to the
Jews. Rules guide me. Especially ones like not braking as I'm steering around a corner. That did not come naturally to me. And
when my little granddaughters are acting up I have to control my voice and hug
them close to find out the cause of the problem. (BTW it's usually that we are
late with their food and they are hangry).
And there are times when I worry that I'm being like a Pharisee or
Sadducee. I pray that when that appears to be the case, my will
may be thwarted and that God’s will may be done.
But there are times when I remember that Jesus is my Way and I try to do
what he would do. If there's anything I've learnt in that formal education I spoke about,
it's that it's impossible to even imagine how much more there is to know.
For that reason, I lean on the only One who does know.
Lord, speak to each heart here today. Show each of us what our next step
should be. For the sake of your kingdom. Amen
Prayers of the People (excerpt)
O, Lord, we reach out to grasp your outstretched invitation to be one
with you.
We place our will within yours and ask that your wisdom will inform all
our actions.
May that wisdom inform the decisions of all leaders worldwide,
nationally and locally. We pray for the leadership of your church, especially
here at Marsden Road. Bless John and Wendy, our elders and our councils and
committees as they seek direction for our congregation here.
O, Lord, we reach out to grasp your outstretched invitation to be one
with you.
Words of Mission
go into the world with confidence, trusting that Christ is walking with you.
the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit be with you, now and always.