Sunday, the Rev. John’s sermon was focused on “Whom Ought I Welcome?” –
Matthew 10:40-42 “Jesus said, ‘Whoever
welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent
me.’” A number of times during his
reflection, the Rev. John reminded us of “Our
obligations of welcome and hospitality; Such an understanding of hospitality,
of the obligation of welcome, dates back to well before the time of Jesus. It
was a matter of survival and community health which translated into the
religious understanding of what God wants of us. Where and how do we experience
such welcome today?”
is indeed a BIG and difficult question! Of
course, the world is and has been ever changing and it becomes confusing and
sometimes unnecessarily guilt provoking if we try to judge everything and
everyone against a yardstick from a different time in history. I sometimes wonder how many of the modern
world problems which cause the most angst, are left over from the incredibly
tumultuous and war ravaged 20th century and are a direct result of
the loss of country, identity, customs and traditions and millions of lives? History shows us that almost every country
has at some time been invaded by bullies who have changed the way the ordinary
people can expect to live; and migration has been the pattern for thousands of
study of Ancient history in the first year of high school had already taught me
that one great Empire followed the other with monotonous and inexorable
regularity. Even at the tender age of 12
it was obvious to me that greed, unrest, distrust and intolerance generally
resulted in the decline of an empire - and isn’t that still happening
today? We are certainly watching the
great “American Empire” appearing to self-destruct right before our eyes and some
are perhaps bemoaning our changed allegiance after the fall of the British
Empire of which many of us, our parents and our younger selves were so proud to
belong. Now as a country and as
individuals we ask; should we blame or admire those who want to catch onto the
coat-tails of the movers and shakers of the emerging modern Chinese Empire? Didn’t the 20th and early 21st
century teach us that Communism and Christianity often do not sit well
Dark Ages stretched in historical terms from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle
Ages or from 300 to 800 - when time morphed into the early Middle Ages – again
not a really happy time to be alive. I
was recently fascinated to discover that historians today consider the use of
the term Dark Ages, implies a “bad value
judgement” because of the “negative
connotations” of barbarity and intellectual deficit.
historians can call it what they like - and it seems that the preferred term
today is “The Migration Period”- however it cannot be denied those days were
shrouded in darkness of many kinds.
Surely I am not alone in thinking that this period of time - when an
estimated 100 million people died as the result of war, poverty and plague -
was indeed a dark time.
again we are watching huge “migrations” making a mockery of established borders
because of aggressive and violent invasions, poverty and famine. I don’t know about you, but I certainly
wonder what history will make of all these events. There are such diverse views on the morality
of almost every situation - whose history can possibly be “the truth”. Whose “truth” is God’s truth? The Crusaders certainly didn’t emerge from
the early skirmishes with Islam looking too Godly and neither will we; if we
condemn any people without thought, acknowledgement, or the lessons of history tempered
with compassion.
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Conquest of Constantinople by Crusaders in 1204 - A 15th Century Miniature painted by David Aubert (1449 - 79) Public Domain - Wikipedia |
history offer apologies for the extreme violence of this century? Will we take on the burden of responsibility
for terrorism and extremism? How can we
ever agree on who we should welcome into our country, community, church or
home? I agree that successful
integration and diversity can bring strong new alliances and friendships, but I
believe that diversity both challenges and enriches us personally and as a
society; but above all my Christian values tell me that tolerance is the glue
that holds any society together. In
order to keep this civilized and enlightened social order that we call society,
the enforcement of rules and laws must generally be seen to be the right
outcome to preserve the rights of the majority.
It is in fact ironic, that the price for a person who exercises what
they may consider to be their personal freedom, in an anti-social way in a
“civilised” society, is often punishment by imprisonment, inflicted by that
same society.
I grow older and observe the lies and the misinformation which have been
propagated as “history” and “truth” in my living memory, I struggle with the
probability that my experiences of the time I was alive will not be accurately
portrayed. I lived through the 60s; yet
my way of life and the life of all the people I knew, in no way resembled the
culture and the morality depicted as “normal”, which is now being passed on to
younger generations as fact. Also, how
can it be that it is regularly reported in the media by financial experts that my
generation was blessed in easily being able to own their own home in Sydney,
when from our first pay packet, both my future husband and I saved very
carefully, making financial and social sacrifices in anticipation of a future
involving marriage and our personal responsibility for any future children. Our
home was modest, with no furniture except a new fridge and mattress on the floor
and some ancient borrowed wooden chairs, a discarded laminex table and borrowed
suitcases for our clothes. From our families we had collected an assortment of
old bedspreads, war surplus blankets and sheets to cover the large naked
picture windows so fashionable in the red texture brick dream home of the
1960’s. There were no fences, paths or
gardens in sight.
much of the recorded history and way of life of previous centuries accurately depicts
the truth I wonder? Somehow as I grow
old enough to have lived through significant historical events and actually
been part of the history of more than half of the 20th century and
two decades of the 21st century, I begin to wonder if education and
science have now rendered history invalid and useless. Before Columbus sailed to the New World did
anybody dispute the belief the world was flat?
am confused. Yes it is easy for
Christians to feel confusion and guilt, especially as better education allows
everyone to have an opinion and certainly in democratic societies to express
our opinions. Does it matter how much
new evidence has been “uncovered” - sometimes quite literally - about the Dark
Ages or Middle Ages, or any other time in history?
scientists can’t – and should not perpetuate theories like the flatness of the
earth when we have marvelled at pictures taken from space and which prove the
curvature of the earth! Thousands of
concepts like the forces of gravity which ensures that the water does not fall
into space from the oceans and rivers as the earth turns upside down; have all been
scientifically proved. However, I can
still, in sheer wonder, marvel at God’s amazing “work”.
believe that proven scientific knowledge is different to the recording of
events that we call history? Now this is
a really tricky question to which many might consider there is no correct answer! Should anyone take it upon themselves to try
to change the history that has been recorded? If there are important changes that can
correct mistakes in reporting, this could be a reason to make some authorised historical corrections; but
we cannot allow the modern opinions of the morality or even the harshness of
past events to allow history to be distorted to please the whims of the current
generations. Surely this can only lead to anarchy!
Rev John did in his thinking this morning put forward the challenge of who we
should welcome, in this whimsical manner:
“Just so we get this straight:
whoever welcomes you welcomes Jesus, and whoever welcomes your friend or
neighbour or family member or work colleague or elected official or
mother-in-law or next door neighbour or chatty seat companion on an airplane or
the stall holder at the Farmers market or grocery checkout person or barber (if
you still use one) – there was a slight chuckle here as he is not
over-endowed with hair!) - or the Startrack driver or the child who hit
your new car with a soccer ball … and so on and so forth … welcomes God? The Rev. John even suggested; “We could have fun with this!”
“But would there ever be an
end to such a list of those who are welcome? If there is an end to such a list
of who is welcome, what does this mean? And if not, well - what does that mean?” he asked.
there is no real answer to any of those hard questions, although we can
truthfully offer some positive answers to the Rev. John’s other question; “Where is our witness to welcoming others,
and thereby welcoming Jesus and the one who sent him?”
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A Quarterly Friendship Circle Morning Tea after Church on a Sunday Morning Everyone is welcomed for a regular morning tea every Sunday and anyone who has a Birthday ending in an 0 has a Birthday Cake |
Marsden Road Church is a place where to my knowledge and experience over the
last 50 years, everyone has always been genuinely welcomed and been offered
hospitality and friendship; and this has always extended far beyond reasonable
expectations and has indeed reflected the love of God through the care of his
people. During the months of the Covid
19 pandemic; although unable to offer traditional hospitality, it has been
remarkable the way so many church members have looked after the spiritual and
physical welfare of each person, specially caring for all those who are
isolated, ill or lonely. People have
been printing and delivering copies of the weekly orders of service,
newsletters and blogs to those without a computer and hundreds of phone calls
have been made by our caring congregation members.
I am pleased to say that our
friend Margaret and her husband are at this time the recipients of all manner
of hospitality as we all are when we are in hospital or sick at home. Meals, biscuits, phone calls, encouragement
and love are given, as Margaret continues to struggle through the aftermath of
two complicated surgeries, with another to come. I encourage all Margaret’s Blog followers to
continue to include her in their prayers of intercession.
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