the Mountaintop Experience.
Put yourself in the Holy Land - 2,000 years ago as we can in our imagination and as we read the passage from Luke 9: 29-36 from the lectionary for this week. Imagine that you are one of Jesus' leading disciples. He calls you apart from your colleagues to go with him on what turns out to be a great adventure. You start walking, happily chatting, and following him toward the high country. At the start, you figure, this is one more time when Jesus needs to get away from the crowds - to rest and refresh and restore his spiritual strength. You, too, are ready for a rest.
Jesus leads you to the destination, you recognise it as a holy place of your
faith-set apart for connection with the greatest meaning life has to offer - a
place to encounter God. You begin to think that maybe this is not going to be
an ordinary retreat, even by Jesus' standards. Suddenly you see Jesus changed -
his face has changed and has become dazzling white. You are not sure what to
make of this. But you know something extraordinary has happened.
you are startled again to see the two most honoured leaders of your faith,
Moses and Elijah, long dead, standing there beside Jesus. You do not know what
to think or do. Your friend Peter suggests setting up dwellings so they could
stay there permanently. But before anything else can happens, you hear the
voice of God-"This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" Now
you know the purpose of this adventure. Here is the answer to what you should
t is
clear that you are not to look to Moses and Elijah-not to look back to the old,
but to reach forward to the new, listening to this beloved one of God, this
Jesus and listening to him only. Then, it is time to go back down the mountain
and return to the others. They will be the same, but for you everything is
different. God has done a new thing. Everything in your life is transfigured -
transformed - changed - to a new reality of God.
It is
meant to be easy for us, as followers of Jesus, to put ourselves in the place
of James or John or Peter. We go through the same kind of adventure in our
daily lives; we recognise the same Lord. And we hear the same message from God:
"This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!"
We too
have our "mountain tops." Each of us needs places and times set apart
for us to take a good spiritual breath. Often this can happen in the midst of
worship or Bible study or prayer groups or whenever we gather with fellow
believers or even as we share an experience with God’s creation. The
"mountain tops" of our lives are also represented by times when we
are alone with only silence around us-not with a radio blaring or a television
yakking or a computer clicking. This is our personal prayer time and time for
meditation and reflection - being still so we know God for what God is,
specifically, in our lives. If you have ever sat upon the mountain top or in
the bush and watched and listened as the new day dawned in all its glory will
now what I am referring to.
All of
us though, too, gain recognition and insight into God when we go to these
mountain tops set aside as holy places and holy times for us to focus on God.
In the stillness of our quiet and solitude as we watch and wait we learn to see
and hear what our God says and does and how God moves us. The presence of God
can astonish us in the beauty of creation and the generosity of the love we are
surrounded by.
we too must come down from our "mountain tops," knowing what is
possible for us in every part of our lives. We can count on the amazing power
of God to transfigure and transform and change what is old into what is
new-what is ordinary into the extra-ordinary, into what can be.
truth of the Gospel affirms that each and every one of us - even if we are
lost, blind, misguided, self-centred, and arrogant - can really be transformed
into God's beloved children and his faithful disciples. God can transform our
sadness and frustration and despair into joy and hope. God can transform our
apathy and lack of concern for God's commandments into an active love that
brings God's kingdom more closely into being. God can transform our weakness
and fear into courage and strength. God can transform our earthy, broken humanity
into faithful members of the Body of Christ.
We live
our lives at the base of the mountain. If we have heard the transforming word
of God we will continue to listen to Jesus our Lord and we will pray
continually the collect connected with today's Gospel.

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